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Alexandra woke with a sigh, her gaze focusing on silhouette before the crescent-shaped window, the sun had barely risen, it's fresh golden rays highlighted his lean frame and her heart raced. He disappeared after giving her an earful and made her anxious. The glass reflected his appearance and Alexandra's heart skipped a beat at the haunted look that marred his features, she didn't know much about him, but what she did know made her insides burn with anguish for him.

He had done things no teenage boy should have, seen things no one as young as him should've and now he had an entire kingdom to run, with a mother who defied his every command, a sickly father and a defect as his fiance, she bit her lip and rose, the ruffle of sheets caught his attention and he turned.

she didn't face him, couldn't, she'd been sleeping in his bed for the last few days and not once had she seen him in the room and in such close proximity with the man that made her emotions run wild she wasn't sure how to act.

"I am not sorry that I went" she finally whispered "I am sorry that I made you worry though, I don't mean to add to your long list of problems" he frowned, moving from the glass, staring at her so intently it made her squirm.

"you are not a problem Alexandra"

"I had no right to attack you the way I did yesterday, I'm the reason you're here and despite everything thrown at you, you don't seem to blame me"

"I don't " she returned honestly

"I don't remember much about that night, but I do remember coming to my senses and the very first thing I did was to put that ring on your finger, without even analyzing why I did what I did"

He moved closer to her, his robe rustling against the floor "I don't know how much longer I'll be apologetic, but I do hope you'll allow me to spend the rest of my life making up for it"

dumbfounded she remained silent for a moment before spluttering "you run so hot then cold, it's giving me whiplash"

He cocked his head to the side "Is that why you were tossing and turning? am I causing distress?"

She turned from him shrugging off his concern,  she had a dream, of a woman with a cold hard face who sent chills down her back - just like the Queen, it was odd. Moving from the bed before she said something she would regret she reasoned that the last thing she needed to tell her future husband was that his mother was making her even more restless than usual.

"I've been here for days and this is the first time I'm seeing you, where do you sleep?"

She noticed how the question seemed to make him uncomfortable, he didn't meet her eyes "In my office" he returned in a low tired voice.

Looking at him she felt queasy "You haven't figured out who was behind her death"

He didn't look at her as he headed for the door "I've set an appointment with the royal physician"

She threw him a questioning stare "It was just a weird dream, why do I-"

"Another lead would be DNA analysis, we have an entire database" feeling slightly overwhelmed she nodded tugging down her silk scarf "oh I-", he didn't wait for her to finish as the door shut behind him.

To ensure that Alexandra had a normal childhood, Megan had never taken her to the doctors to be examined, very few children of  werewolves in history were unable to shift and none of them were formally examined as they were exiled and forced to become rogues due to fear of the unknown. The issue was she didn't know what her parents were, just that they had to have carried the werewolf gene.

She could still remember the look on Megan's face when she didn't shift during her thirteenth year, so she felt a little less guilty about not bringing Megan, she was sure she could do this on her own.

Her thought process was interrupted by Dimitri stopping abruptly and her walking into his muscular back, turning to her brows raised he muttered "If you're feeling uncomfortable, you don't have to"

she stopped fiddling with the ring on her finger, staring at his slightly puffy eyes did he even sleep?

"I know, but I should, we don't have much time anyways"

Moving to walk in front him before he questioned her further, she pushed open the door his hand hovered over, the doctor in a white lab coat and hideous light blue scrubs turned to her, a nervous smile on his tan face.

"Hello Your Majesty, Highness, I'm Doctor Kang, this is my assistant Ms. Shin" he said, pointing towards the five foot, deep tan curly haired woman.

They bowed and she smiled in greeting sitting in the chair in front of him, he inhaled deeply, running his professional eyes over her.

" mhm her scent is pure wolf but that could also be because of the kill mark" he muttered, taking up his gloves.

"I thought that was only for Lycans," she said absentmindedly tugging at her shirt collar

Mr. Kang chuckled "Well that's if you believe in Lycans, I mean beasts that stand on their hind legs? red eyes? powerful enough to defeat an entire werewolf army? seems like a fairytale, but the kill mark is very real and some wolves do practice it, when done to a human it changes their smell to that of a wolf for a short period of time" he hummed, she nodded in understanding but a odd feeling lingered in the pit of her stomach.

The kill mark was used by wolves of olden times to mark their territories and human playthings, until it was adopted by wolves who had actual relations with humans. it didn't sit right with her to call it a kill mark.

"but then again it could be the 'mates mark' couple of wolves do it to preserve the history of Lycans and such but aside from the pain equals pleasure tactic there really is nothing to it"

mates mark?

Reaching for her shirt he questioned her with his eyes before asking "may I take a look?", nodding and shifting a little so he could have a better look at the pink scar at her neck, she couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable. she didn't like when people touched it.

"if you don't mind me asking your highness, what did she smell like before you bit her"

"she didn't smell like a wolf" his deep voice vibrated through her and calmed her frayed nerves, but when the doctor gently ran his finger across the scar she pushed him off as a wave of revulsion swept through her.

The doctor blinked in confusion and when Dimitri's hard chest pressed against her back she sank further into him, loving his scent and the comfort it gave. he's here.

"I think you should refrain from touching there," he said through his teeth.

The Doctor nodded, clearing his throat to get rid of the awkwardness "My apologies" he still seemed confused and highly interested in the scar, she sank further into Dimitri.

"well, if she didn't smell like a wolf then she's human yes?"

" I'm not human either, I heal faster than they do"

The Doctor nodded in understanding "though rear some humans do carry the semi or dormant wolf gene, if I could test this out?" he asked, looking at Dimitri a little wearily, scalpel in one hand while the other reached for her, stiffly she gave him her finger and he made a tiny incision, so small she barely felt anything and instantly it healed.

she frowned "even though its small it normally takes a few hours to go away completely, i've never healed this quickly" The doctor hummed taking notes as his assistant came forward with a tray.

"please allow us to take some DNA samples" with the quietness of the office and the Doctors unreadable expression, she understood why Megan wasn't keen on taking her there in the first place.


I wrote this half asleep so i'm soooo sorry!

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