chapter 1. New Teatcher

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"Oh come on eren!" Yelled angry Jean at Eren as they yet again fought at the lockers.
" stop it you two we have to go to the class!" Said panicing Armin who didn't want to be late from they're biology class.
He heard from hanji that there was a new Teatcher coming because mr.collins was leaving to another school.
Of course armin being armin, he wanted to make a good first impression.
" yeah stop it and let's go!" Said annoyed mika.
" fine" replied Eren as he pushed jean away and showed him the finger.
Jean just looked pissed off and he stormed to the class room angrily.
Everybody were in already and in they're seats.
Eather talking with somewhone or just doing something alone.
The classes bad ass reiner was talking with his whimp tall and sweaty friend bertholdt.
Aaron(annie) was just listening them and every time reiner said perverted joke he hit that mucel man on the head.
Marco and jean talked with connie and ash (sasha) about school food.
Eren,armin and mika were just chilling on they're seats and chatting randomly.
" did you hear that we are going to have a new Teatcher?" Asked kristian, his big blue eyes shining with intrest.
Yamir just nodded his head and continued to glare at Amanda. (sorry if your name is Amanda or Katy)
She was the School's biggest bitch. Then was her sister Katy, she was the dummest one.

They refused to wear the School uniform and because they're father is ritch, they usually get what they want

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They refused to wear the School uniform and because they're father is ritch, they usually get what they want.
Amanda was blond with the hige flower on her hair and katy had blue hair with violet butterfly on it.
They barely had any clothes on.
Today they had pink lacy 'sport' bra and black lacy skirt which showed they're ass cheeks and white thongs.
They would fuck anyone who had mucel and good looks.
Like eren, reiner, mika,kristian and his step brother Yamir and many other students.
They even flirted with teatcher like sience teatcher hanji, french teatcher levi rivalle, gym teatcher mike and even headmaster erwin smith.
They all of course denied them.
Levi was really disgusted and so was erwin.
Mike and hanji just ignored it.
They were always mean to farigle boys, girls and even to home ed teachers petra ral who was really nice and pretty woman.
She had husband namen gunther and two children.
Gunther sometimes comes to school to make sure his wife was ok and no one touches her like that.
" new Teatcher?" Asked now intrested Jean.
" yeah, he takes mr.collins' es classes" said reliefed marco.
They all disliked mr.collins because the old man was scary and smelled funny.
" oh thanks shina!" Said reiner as he looked at clock.
The bell rang and the door opened revealing a tall man in fancy but simple suit and in his slim pale hand was some files,papers to sighn and in other laptop.
His suit was simple black pants, whitw button up shirt with sleeves rolled yo his elbows and black tie.
When all saw his face they almost fainted.
He was super gorgeous!

he had sharp,intelligent cat like eye

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he had sharp,intelligent cat like eye.
Red gem like eyes showed slight intrest and coldness.
Long black eyelashes made him look even more handsome.
His soft, shiny violet hair was longish and nicely comped.
God like face was cold yet kind and understanding.
Slim but muscular body and tight but plump ass oh god~
Soft,milky,pale skin and plump,soft, beautifull and kissable lips in strait line.
He was as tall as bertholdt!
He even smelled good.
Vanilla and lavender~
Smooth,deep and angelic voice said " hello class, i'm your new biology Teacher Mr. Michaels.  I hope we get along".
He wrote his name on the blackboard and set his stuff on the teatchers desk.
" you may call me mr. Michaels or professor." He said.
The whole class had hearts in their eyes as they stared at the teatcher.
" now please, introduse yourselfs".
He pointed marco who sat on the left.
He blushed madly and shuttered" marco bolt".
" jean Kirstein"said jean with blush and pride," kristian" said the sweet blonde with smile, " yamir"grunted the brown haired male with pink on his cheek's, " eren yager" ssid eren with blush and his stare hold respect.
" mika ackerman" said mika with tinny kitty blush, " Armin alert" stated the furiously blushing coconut head.
" reiner brown" blush, " bertholdt" blush and sweat, " aaron lionheart" tiny blush," connie" blush, " ash " blush, " amanda~" flirty blush and wet, " katy" flirty blush and drippin wet.
After couple random students everyone were introdused to mr. Michaels.
" well then some rules.
1. No eating in the class
2. when im talking you are quiet and listen
3. No disobeying
And the last one, no bullying the other students.
Am i clear?" He asked with calm voice.
" yes mr. Michaels " said the class.
" good now lets start with a little pop quiz" the class groaned exept armin.
" now now, i promise it's easy one" said the stunning teatcher with a tiny gorgeous smile.
Blush was all you could see~
But in one eyes gleamed rising obsession.
Green eyes...

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