Chapter One: HIM

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Scott was only ten when his whole family moved from Arlington, Texas to Columbus, Ohio. Being the new kid, everyone picked on him, calling him gay, and derogatory variations. Eventually, he learned that they were right, but he kept it a secret from everyone, especially his homophobic family. His mother, brother and sister were the only ones he told and they kept the for the scared boy.

At fifteen, he met the most amazing guy, and he started dating the man, three years older than the young blond haired boy. He had sandy brown hair and dark brown eyes. His whole world was evolved around the eighteen year old, and he felt like the man could do nothing wrong. He was happy for three years, until his grandpa became sick.

He found himself more around his grandpa, and less around Alex. Alex began to feel less and less important, so he started calling less. Scott didn't get it, because he was still young and learning, but he was losing the one he loved, and it was killing him inside. He decided to make it up to the now 21 year old.

Every week, he would take Alex out for the whole night and just spend time with him, slowly beginning to make it up to him. Took him to some concerts, mostly country artists (Carrie Underwood at least five times,) Wicked, and a special showing of Wizard of Oz for the anniversary. That lasted a year before his grandfather ended up in the hospital with non-healing wounds on his feet.

On the first day of his grandpa's very long stay at the hospital, he decided he wanted a coffee so he went down to the Main Hospital's Starbucks cafe. When he got there, there was a line, but he could perfectly see the man behind the counter. As he got closer to the front of the line, he could make out more features.

The mysterious man, who was behind the counter, was tall, shorter than Scott, and quite thin. His hair was a dark chocolate color, swept to the left, and his almond shaped eyes matched his hair, and the slight facial hair, perfectly trimmed to shape around his lips and chin. He had on black pants and a white blouse with an apron on. His rose pink lips was formed in the most perfect smile that he had ever seen.

"Hello, Sir," He smiled directly at the blond. "What would you like today?"

"Well it's warm out," Scott bit his lip, "so I think I will take a venti iced caramel macchiato and a venti coffee for my mom."

"I love their caramel macchiatos," He nodded as he rung him up. "It's one of my favorite drinks."

"My grandpa calls it a drink for fags when I get it," Scott sighed, looking down at his feet.

"Well that's pretty accurate," He laughed a contageous laugh. "I am gay as fuck and love them. So what kind of coffee for your mom?"

"Pike place is fine," Scott answered, noticing the rush of blood to his cheeks and... other places.

"Is that all for you?" He asked, Scott awkwardly nodding, looking for a name badge. "That'll be seven thirty-five."

"Oh here," Scott shuffled, giving the mysterious man a ten.

"Your change is two sixty-five," He handed the quivering boy his change. "Your drinks will be right out. What names should I put on the cups?"

"Scott and Connie," Scott smiled.

"I like your name," He winked, going over to the milk and espresso machine.

There were three people in front of Scott, so Scott sat down and surfed the internet, eventually getting on twitter. He retweeted Alex's new selfies and then decided to take a selfie himself. He put it on instagram, captioning it, "Hospital blues. Nothing boosts my spirits like a nice Starbucks. #caramelmacchiato #espresso."

"Scott and Connie?!" He yelled, Scott going to pick up his drinks. "Have a nice rest of the day, Honey."

"You too," Scott returned, fixing his mom's coffee and heading up to his grandpa's room. "Hi, Grandpa James."

"I hope that's not that fag drink," James scolded.

"It's just coffee with caramel in it," Scott lied. "I just really like caramel."

"How's my boy?" the old man asked. "Any lucky ladies that you have met?"

"No, not yet," Scott shook his head.

"That's too bad," James sighed. "I thought I'd have great grandchildren before I die."

"I am not your only grandchild," Scott reminded.

"But you're the only one old enough in my eyes," James corrected. "You're the only one old enough to find a nice lady to marry and provide great grandchildren."

"But Brit is the same age as me," Scott argued.

"She's not male like you!" James snapped. "You get my blessing because you're male. She doesn't get my blessing until she's thirty."

"I don't need your blessing," Brit shrugged, "because I am already married. You can't stop me."

"That's why you're my least favorite," James growled.

"Bullshit!" Brit snapped back. "I am your least favorite because you're a racist, sexist, homophobic, bigot asshole. I'm your least favorite because I don't have a fucking dick and I can't wait til you fucking die."

"Go to hell!" James spat.

"I'll fucking see you there," she smirked, walking out of the room.

"I'll go after her," Connie spoke up, about to stand up.

"Stay," Scott demanded. "I will go talk to her. I need to talk to her anyways."

"Okay," Connie nodded, Scott going out after his sister.

"Brit..." Scott sighed out after finding his sister in the Starbucks. "Are you okay."

"I am angry but I feel great," she admitted. "I finally said what I wanted to for years. I got it off of my chest and now I feel so freed and so much better. So why did you decide it be you to check on me?"

"I need my twin to talk to," he admitted with a blush.

"It doesn't happen to do with the hot barista, does it?" she asked with a smirk.

"Maybe..." he stuttered, growing redder. "I mean he is hot... But I'm with Alex. I have been for four years now."

"That doesn't mean you can't find him hot," she argued. "If I was a dude, I'd go for it."

"How do you know he's gay?" he raised an eyebrow.

"I can just tell," she shrugged, "like I could tell with you. I probably knew before you did."

"You know me far too well, Brit," he rolled his eyes.

"You know it," she laughed before He came over to the table.

"Are you okay, Ma'am?" He asked, her nodding. "Is there anything I can get you?"

"A million dollars," she sighed.

"I can't do that," He shook his head, "but I can definitely give you a free drink of your choice."

"Won't you get in trouble?" she raised an eyebrow curiously.

"Not if I buy it for you," He smiled. God! Scott loved that fucking smile. "I noticed you were upset and thought that maybe a Starbucks would make you feel better."

"God! I wish you weren't gay!" she sighed, making Him laugh.

"Well unfortunately for you I am," He bit his lip, sneaking a glance at Scott. "So what will it be, Missy?"

"I'll have what my brother got," she smiled, Him going back to the counter, beginning to make the drink. "He is so fucking gorgeous. If you and Alex split, I'd definitely snatch that man up. Like seriously."

"You're being silly, Britany," he sighed out. "He'd never go for an insecure outsider like me..."

"You never know unless you try," she shrugged, them both waiting for her coffee.

How Starbucks Saved My Grandpa's Life (And Mine Too..)Where stories live. Discover now