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I woke to the morning sun shining through the curtains of the living room. My back was stiff from staying on the couch all night last night but I didn't really care. For some odd reason, I felt myself grow excited. I had no idea why, but it got me to get up and get dressed, making myself get ready for a day at school. Which was weird. Never had I ever, and I mean ever, got excited about school. To me, school was a hell disguised as a place for the devil's spawns.

It was like my body was not my own as I literally skipped down to my room. Skipped? What the hell was wrong with me? I went to the shower and got ready to get in. I washed off and then proceeded to get dressed nearly grinning like a mad woman. What was happening to me? I looked at the clock and frowned at the time. I needed to hurry and leave if I wanted to get to him.

'Get to who,' asked Tara.

'I have no idea. I just know I have to hurry.'

It was like my mind was being controlled but in some way, this made since.

I grabbed my bag off of my 'bed' and slung it over my shoulder. In a hurry I ran up the stairs and past the mess still waiting to be cleaned and out the door.

In record time I had found myself standing in front of the double doors of my school. I felt myself grin like an idiot in unknown anticipation. I was definitely sure I was possessed. What other reason was there to be happy about school? I opened the door nearly slamming it into the wall. Without thinking, I headed off to my locker. I nearly froze when I sniffed the air. The smell from yesterday had now intensified. My mouth involuntarily began to water. That scent was intoxicating.

I tried to ignore it as I continued my way to my locker. There were no problems as I weaved my way through the halls passed other kids standing around and talking. It was surprising I got through it without being shoved and pushed. I finally made it to my locker and opened it with the usual routine of stepping back. When it was fully opened, all that was in the locker were more slips of paper. I sighed, my mood suddenly going sour.

Ignoring the papers, I put my bag into my locker and grabbed the things I needed for class. As I walked through the hall I wondered what the scent I had smelt was. It had been so amazing. I felt like it-

"Watch it," I heard someone scream as I was interrupted from my thoughts. I jumped back when I saw Jennifer. She stood before me with her two sidekicks on either side. Her black hair was straightened to perfection and her face was covered in make-up. Jennifer's perfectly manicured nails tapped her hip as she waited for a reply.

I stared at her dumbfounded and looked around. Everyone who was present in the hall went quiet and took a look at what was going on. When I didn't see who she was talking to, I turned back to face her.

"I'm talking to you faggot," she said pointing at me with her pink nail.

"I-I-I'm s-so-sorry." I didn't even know what I did. I wasn't even four feet from her. What could I have possibly done?

"Sorry? All you can say is sorry?" She looked at me with hate clear in her eyes. Her two barbie friends just watched me with a smirk on their faces.

I didn't know what to say. Her staring at me like she'll hit me at any moment made me shrink back. Jennifer had made it her mission in life to hate me. She took every possible opportunity to corner me like a puppy in a cage. When she took a step towards me, I took a step back. There was satisfaction as she saw me move back. I was a coward, I know. There were so many things I wanted to say to her right now but knew that I would never say them to her face. I had an urge to claw her pretty little face but I didn't act on my impulse, even as my hand shook just waiting for my brain to will my claws to come out and swipe it against her face.

I was thinking about what I would do to her if I had the guts, that I didn't notice the hand that was extended out and headed to my face. When I did notice, it was too late as the sting of her hand came into contact with my cheek. My head turned to the side from the impact but I didn't feel anything. She really did hit like a girl.

"Excuse you!" she shouted. My eyes widened. Had I said it out loud? "I'll show you a hit." Her hand was coming back up to attack my cheek when it was stopped mid air. It took me a minute to realize who had stopped it. I had to take a double take to make sure I was not seeing things. In front of me, currently holding Jennifer's wrist, was none other than Conner.

Jennifer's eyes widened. "What the hell Conner!" She shrieked so loud I flinched back.

Conner let out a deep growl that made her shut up. "Do not talk to your future alpha like that." She nodded her head and gulped.

I was so shocked at what just happened to notice that smell. It was that smell from yesterday and earlier. I looked up and my eyes widened. "No." I shook my head not wanting to believe it. But the look on his face said it all.

I knew that face so well. His eyes held hatred and his scrunched up face showed pure disgust. I couldn't believe it. The one thing I had looked forward to my entire life was now ruined. Because, right here in front of me, was the boy who treated me like crap, my mate.

I turned around and pushed through the crowd, fleeing through the double doors. When I was out in the air, I could feel myself breathe out and the churning in my stomach returned.

'Conner is our mate. Why the hell is Conner our mate? Its not even our birthday!' shouted Tara in my head.

I nearly felt like collapsing when I heard the doors bang open. I didn't have to turn around to know who it was.

A strong pair of hands grabbed each of my shoulders and turned me around with so much force I nearly twisted my ankle. Like being hit by lightning I jerked away from the sparks he put in my body. I was face to face with him now, hoping he wouldn't say the words that could push me over the edge while at the same time hoping he does.

"I don't know why the Moon Goddess has decided to make me your mate but I refuse. You will never be anything but a nuisance. You'll never be anything but a worthless omega who should disappear," he snapped.

I'll admit, the words hurt. They had hurt like hell. But I didn't care. He wasn't the only one disgusted by this pairing. Maybe the Moon Goddess was punishing me. I shook my head. I was passed caring now.

"I Conner Sean reject you Toni Pierce as my mate and future Luna of the pack, StarkWood. You are nothing and always will be nothing."

My heart was ice cold now. I felt myself build a wall that may never be brought back down. "I, Toni Pierce, reject you Conner Sean, future alpha of the StarkWood pack." My voice seemed just as cold as my heart at this moment. I turned around and jumped a step as I changed into Tara mid air.

'Are you finally taking my advise of leaving?'

'I am. This pack has nothing left to offer us. We'd be better off as rogues.'

My paws hit the ground and in a rush, I dashed for the woods. I didn't care to look back at what I left behind because there was nothing to look back at. Being a rogue wasn't exactly what I wanted but I couldn't stay in a pack any longer. I would fear too much of what they are capable of and from my understanding, they are capable of a lot.

I didn't turn around and beg his forgiveness. I didn't turn around and run crying home. I didn't go to get anything. I didn't say goodbye. There was no one left to say goodbye to.

I ran to the forest line and kept running like I never had before. This was what I wanted. I wanted freedom. No one would mess with me again and I didn't have to worry about people hunting me down. No one would look for me or miss me. Now the forest was mine to explore. The world was for me to take. Maybe being a rogue wasn't such a bad idea.

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