Maybe today or tomorrow

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Charlotte's POV: I woke up with really bad contractions, the epidural wore off and It was starting to get bad. the nurse walked in and checked me

nurse: your about 6 centimeters so you've progressed a lot but still moving a little slow so maybe today or tomorrow you're gonna have your baby
I smiled and held Henry's hand
When Aiden came in a couple of hours later
Aiden: mommy !
Me: hey baby I missed you
Aiden: I missed you too why r you here ?
Me: because mommy has to bring your little brother or sister home today or tomorrow but the bby is taking its time to get here so we're waiting
Aiden: well tell it to hurry up
I laughed kissed his head
Me: I sure will- okay give me kisses and hugs
He gave me a big kiss and a tight hug and went on with Henry to go to his moms house for today

3 hours later.......
Me: ahhhhhh!!!!
Henry: breath char it's okay
Me: oh my goddddddd owwwwwww this hurtsss so bad
Henry: I know just a little longer and we're going to bring the bby home
I screamed in pain as I felt pressure, pain and sweat
I shook my head
Me: I can't do this- I can't do this
Henry: yes you can you got Aiden into this world you can do it one more time
I tried to relax when Henry wiped the sweat off my head, but the contractions were about 2-3 minutes apart so every time I tried to relax i kept getting them and They would be 20,000 times worse than the last
Henry: I love you
Me: I love you too
He kissed me and the nurse walked in and checked me
Nurse: okay it's time to deliver a baby give us a minute to set up
About 5 minutes later Dr. Scott came back and out on her gloves
Dr: alright ready char
Me: no
Dr: well let's get it over with
Me: okay
As Dr. Scott told me to push I screamed for my life, this was unbearable pain I could not take it
Dr: come on char you gotta push harder than that.....
7.....8.....9.....10  okay breath for a sec
Me: I can't push anymore I'm too tired
Dr: yes you can don't give up on her.....  let's try again alright char really push
Me: okay
Dr: go..... 1....2...3...4...5 harder char 6....7...8...9....10
I let out a big breath and Henry wiped the sweat off
Dr: come on char a couple of good ones...... go 1....2....3....4...5..6 harder than that char commmeee on I see the baby's head 7....8...9....10
I cried and begged for this pain to stop it felt like I was dying the slowest death possible
Henry: come on bby you got it I'm right here
I took a deep breath and did it again
Dr: 1...2...3 harder harder harder 4....5 good keep it goin 6...7...8...9...10
Dr: good job char just like that give me maybe 3 more and your done
Dr: come on let's keep going don't stop it go...... 1....2...3.... great char the head is out your gonna feel burning and pressure but push through it......5....6....7 come on a littttle more 8....9......10
Dr Scott: one more like that and your done great job char
I threw my head back in exhaustion and just wiped the sweat off
Dr: alright oneee more time go 1....2....3.. harder don't loose it char 4.....5....6....7....8 harder 9...10 okay stop
I finally felt relief again and I cried In joy
Henry: she's our baby she's out and oh my god she's sooo beautiful

Dr: congratulations char you did it and she is beautiful When I held her on my chest my heart warmed oh she is so pretty Henry: she's beautiful I smiled and kissed her little checks and kissed Henry Me: we're done for now He laughed Henry: I'm oka...

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Dr: congratulations char you did it and she is beautiful
When I held her on my chest my heart warmed oh she is so pretty
Henry: she's beautiful
I smiled and kissed her little checks and kissed Henry
Me: we're done for now
He laughed
Henry: I'm okay with that
Hey guys!
Sorry this took so long to update but there is the labor and delivery chapter some of you been asking for and it's a girl if you haven't caught on 😂 but I love you all and I will have all the writers chapters posted my New Years and the 3 winners will be announced January 1, 2017 !
Love you guys again and merry Christmas 🌺💋

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