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Hi, everyone!:) This is going to be my first story I will be writing. Mind, that there may be few errors in this story, but I hope you like it.

Once upon a time, there was an 18 year girl walking alone in the forest. She carries a necklace her mother gave her on her 16th birthday and it was the best memories. Tears starts to fall down her cheeks missing those she loves. She sat under the tree looking further from the distance the sun setting down and the trees moving swiftly with the wind. She closes her eyes hearing nature and starts praying to God for strength, healing, and love. The girl starts to cry for a few minutes until she heard a strong voice say, "Do not cry. I am here and you are not alone. Look up." she opens her eyes to see a man in front of her glowing with brilliant light smiling down at her, "Who are you?" she asked at dazed. The man comes closer, " I was sent by God to comfort and protect you. My name is Archangel Michael." He is dressed in a gold armor like a knight with a sword in the side. He has blond wavy hair that came up to his shoulders and bright beautiful blue eyes that shines through with tough love. The angel speaks gently, "Do not cry little one." that's when the girl felt this strong love and assurance from the angel that she starts to cry more. The angel saw this sat down beside her gathering her into his arms holding her like a father would while she let her emotions out. His huge gold wings wraps around her like a cacoon sheilding her from around them. The girl let her emotions from the past of hurt and weakness be revealed. She ran away from home because of so many commotions going on and do not know what to do. She had faced many battles in her life and had to face them alone. She stops crying looks up at the angel who smiles kindly at her wiping the tears away. God answered the cry of her prayers and brought an angel down to her to send his love and comfort. The angel spoke, " You are not alone and have faith. Know that there are always battles, but towards the end you will be in victory. There will be good outcomes such as healing, and love. Little one, calm." the girl relaxes and shuts her eyes feeling the calmness and protection from the angel. She did indeed saw an angel now in her life especially an archangel.

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