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MONIKA'S P.V.O (3 days ago)

I'm so excited I'm going to pick up my cousin from the airport his name is Marcus. Marcus is 18 year old blond hair (not dyed) is around 6 foot and is from Canada I'm so happy I haven't sees. Him since I was 14 and about to move. he doesn't know any thing about me and niall he just knows that he's my best friend not that he's my boyfriend but I can wait to meet him and we are going to see a movie some time and his favourite food is nandos too so we might be eating that for the two weeks he's here.

"Monika, you should go get Marcus now, he lands in 45 minutes"

"Ok and can I take your car?"

(A/N: I don't know how old you have to be to drive in Ireland but they can all drive idgaf)

"No just take yours"

"It finally came?, OMG when did it get here?"

"Yes it did and yesterday now go have fun in the car and bring me back my little Marcus with you"

"Ok see you soon"


I was standing there waiting for him to arrive it was taking for ever and to make it worse Katy perry is on the plane that is landing 5 minuets after his so its so crowded and I'm only aloud in because I told them what flight and persons name I was here for and then I saw him Marcus he was finally here.

"Maarrrrrrrcccuuuusssssa" I ran gawped s him and hugged him so tight but he didn't hug back

"I'm sorry do I know you?"

"Marcus it's me"

"OMG Monika what happens you don't look like you, you have no more glasses, your hair is less frizzy, you're so much more skinny, you have boobs and what happened to you?"

"I grew up, come on let's go talk in the car we have a 40 minuet drive and I just need to stop off at the pharmacy is that ok?"

"Yep it's fine, lets go"

We got his bag and went to the car

"So have you got your self a boyfriend" he said nudging me with his elbow

"Actually I do" I said smiling to myself

"Really my little mo has her self a boyfriend how cute what's he like?"

"He's amazing he's cute, he's funny, he's sweet, got a killer accent and I live him" I said with a smile from ear to ear

"OMG you really like him well am I going to meet him?"

"Yes I will introduce you guys after you rest and we go to the movies to see Prince of Persia, ok?"

"Ok and because your brother isn't here to do this I'm going to give him the brotherly talk"

"Oh please don't do that or at least let me watch"

"Ok you can watch and why do you need to go the they pharmacy?"

"Um I ahh" I mumbled I need to go pe cause I'm 2 weeks late and I might be pregnant

"You what??"

"Imightbepragnantandimnotsurebuti couldbe" I said really fast


"Yes now please don't tell any one and I'm not ever positive"

"So this amazing boyfriend of yours got you pregnant"

"Maybe I'm not sure and if I am then yes he did"

"Did he pressure you into it did he force you?"

"No no nothing like that we did it on my birthday and he kept asking if I was sure and I kept saying yes so when we finally did it he must have forgot or it broke but I'm not to sure"

"Ok fine but let me go get them "

"Ok you can but can you please get three?"

"Yes of corse just to make sure"

"Ok we are here" I said handing him money

"No I will pay"

"But you don't have and pounds you have dollars"

"Ok fine but I'm paying for anything if you are pregnant" then he got out and went in tho the store so I started thinking to my self what if I was pregnant what would niall do would he stay by me or leave ok but it's niall I do hope he stays because he would make an amazing farther but what if but I can understand if he did t want it I mean we are 16 and nobody want a child so young but I'm kind of excited because that means I get a child and I have always wanted one I mean like my hole life I have so maybe just maybe I am and I could rase them as my own and the way I want to.

"Ok I'm back let's go" his voice brought me out of my thoughts

"I'm ok how many did you get?"I asked has I started to drive down the street

"I'm I think 5 but I'm not sure"

"Ok, but what would I do if I am?"

"You tell your boyfriend and then your mum, and we will figure this out I can stay for another few months I'd I have to I'm done with school and I can tell my boss what has happen she will understand because she had her daughter and 15 and is really nice"

"Ok we should be home in 5" when we got home I shot up to the bathroom and I pulled out all five and started to read the instructions and it just said per one the top and wait 5 minuets ok so I peed on all sticks and came out there was a knock at the door

"Mo are you ok can I come in?"

"Yep let me unlock it" I unlocked and he came in

"Do you know what it is yet?"

"No I have to wait 2 more minuets"

"Ok, what ever happens you will be fine and I will be right here" the time went by slowly and they were face down so I could not see them when my alarm went off I looked at Marcus and he looked back knowing that I wanted him to look first so he did he looked at all of them and said

"Mo you're........

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