First date Part.1

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Wow... this chapter going to be little bit overkilling to I decided to make this chapter into two part so you guess bont need to feel struggle that you have to read all (+7000 - +9000) words later when this chapter is completely done... stay turn and next part will be finish laterst Christmas day. Tomorrow out of school... YAY... fml...

Do not own any creature... wish I did... RIP.

Merry Christmas if I'm late with the chapter.

Chapter 4

Tee PoV

"Ouch..." my stomach stinks. It was a bad idea to take a direct hit from that fist... Right on the stomach. But at least the cops caught all those three robbers that try to rob a drunken Pokémon who is on his way home. And for that kind of help both caught three robbers and saving a harmless Pokémon, I got 250 Pokédollar as rewards, normally I get 50 - 200 Pokédollar as rewards but this time I got extra. After few minutes of walking, I saw a vending machine. At that time, I was kinda feeling hungry cuz I have been walking and running more than 5 or 6 hours now so an early snack won't hurt anyone. I put in few Pokédollar and clam few (Chocolate bar/ Mago bar) and eat it while walking down through the streets. I then took a pike on my silver watch to see if it's time to return to the base *House* "4:46:32 AM | SAT | 9- 20" I instantly got shocked when I see that it's already late/early. I made a quick decision that I'm heading home.

After almost half an hour of walking/running/jogging I finally arrive in front of my house. I then check my surrounding is someone notice me or woke up yet. I quickly run to the emergency stair and start climbing carefully so I don't wake anyone up. After more than 10 minutes of sneaking through the room to change and hide my M.U cloth, I can finally claim some rest so I have enough energy to walk around the mall whole day. I was about to close my eye when I heard someone start to snoring pretty loudly so my eye just jumps back up. I know it must be Tyler so I jump up from my heaven bed and grab my earphone and turn on "Fades by Alan Walrein" on my phone. "Ah, nothing is better than Alan Walrein's songs," I thought and jump back to my bed one more time. "So long, I'm fad... brrra. *Freezing feeling*" I tried to sing along the song in my mind but all the sudden I got cold all over my body. I then open my eyes again and notice that Sandra was laying on my bed still sleeping. All the sudden some light from the outside start to strike into my shadow dark room start to be visible for every Pokémon to see. "Oh, the sun is up pretty early today... Damnit, I thought I want to enter my dream world before the sun starts to show up." I stats for myself while screaming inside my head. I have no other ideas what to do right now so I have to force myself to try to sleep, even if the sunlight is burning my eye. I made 90 degrees turn through my bed there I see the new Glaceon's body sparkling and glittering in the sunlight. My body reacted to it really quickly cuz this is my first time seeing someone so cute and kinda sexy at the same time. Cuz of that feeling, I can feel that my nose starts to getting wet so I use one of my paws to check if it is that what I think it is. Checking through my new red colored paw, I know that I finally find someone that can make my nose bleeding. While pointing my nose high to the ceiling, I make another 180 degrees turn to my desk, took two pieces of paper and shoved it up into my nose and sit down on my chair, waiting until I stop bleeding. I almost fell asleep on my chair but before that even happen. I landed my head on the desk pretty hard and wakes me up but not the other, they just mumbling in sleep. I then took the newly painted paper and throw it in the bin and made a body slam on the bed which is a really bad idea cuz I woke up the confusion Glaceon from her sleep. "Ahh, is it earthquake?!" She half yell. Sandra saw me face down thought the bed. "Tee, are you sleeping?" She asks. "Huh, oh. Good morning Sandra. I didn't you up by now." I said half sleeping. "Haven't you sleep yet, it's almost 6 in the morning," Sandra ask. "Sorry ma'am, I was up whole night playing games." I lied. "Geez, by the way. Why am I on your bed?" I feel like she starts to ask one hundred question at the same time. "Can we take this conversation tomorrow instead?" I finish the whole thing with over killing myself by sleeping mode. Sandra who was still confuse what just happen decided to move back to her mattress but with the comfortable bed she was sitting on, she decided to lay next to me and after few minutes, she uses my body as her hug-pillow.

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