Chapter 3

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As the three brothers got on the bus, Jimin and Taehyung, that was more like best friends than brothers, sat down next to each other on the dark red, almost brown seats, full of stains that no one dared to guess what was from, meanwhile Hoseok sat down beside a guy with blond, curly hair that was very stylishly styled, and if Taehyung remembered correctly, was named Adam and was a part of Hoseok’s dance team.

As the bus started moving, Taehyung started thinking about what he had overheard his brother talking about to their parents.  Although Taehyung had only heard a small part of the conversation his best friend/brother had had with their parents he was worried. He shared a lot of classes with Jimin since they were born the same year, and music being one of them, and Taehyung didn't know of Jimin singing in front of the class, why would he lie about that?

“Jiminie..?” Taehyung half whispered, half said, as he had gathered enough courage to confront his friend about it.

“Mm?” Jimin answered, not making eye contact with Taehyung as he was leaning against the seat in front of them, eyes glued on something on his phone.

“I.. uhm.. I heard you talking to Joonie and Jinnie and uhm.. I know what you told them wasn’t true…” Taehyung said as he looked down at his, what was supposed to be white sneakers. He really needed to wash them, or rather, ask Jin to do it for him, but as the weather was very unpredictable this time at the year,so there was no point in doing so just yet.

He was of some reason nervous about asking his brother why he had lied to their parents, therefore he was looking at his shoes. Maybe it is because he had never needed to ask before, he had always known what was going on in Jimin’s life, and not knowing was kinda freaking him out a little. Maybe even a lot.

“Oh.. that, you don’t have to worry about it, really, it’s nothing. By the way did you know that the reason Ollivander was measuring Harry in the first book was because a wand is proportional to a wizards or witches height? That never made sense to me until now.” Jimin was quite obviously trying to change subject, which was making Taehyung even more concerned.

“No I didn’t know that but is that really important right now? Why did you lie to dads? You know they only wanted to make sure you were ok.” Taehyung said as he looked up, there was no point in dancing around the subject any further, so he jumped straight to the problem.

Jimin sat up, looked up from his phone and glanced at Taehyung in disbelief, why couldn’t he just let it go?

“I already told you it’s nothing, just let me be, you know you’d know if it was something serious, I don’t keep secrets from you and you know that.” Jimin pouted, something that would have made Taehyung drop it in any other case, but he was to worried to just let it be.

“If you don’t keep secrets from me then why don’t you tell me? Jimin you’re making me really worried right now. You haven’t been talking talking to me as much as you usually do and I thought I’d let you be but I can’t, you lied! You never lie!” Taehyung answered, almost yelling at his brother, he hadn’t realised he had gradually started talking louder and louder, and that all of the buss had heard what he had just said.

 Jimin didn’t even answer, he just looked down onto his phone again, scrolling through what seemed to be tumblr.

Taehyung felt a wave of guilt going through him, had he actually just raised his voice at his brother? Although, it was out of concern, he had still basically yelled at his brother in front of the whole buss. If it had been Hoseok he probably wouldn’t have felt as bad, but this was Jimin, his best friend and brother that he knew hated when anyone even gave a hint they were mad at him. He had a very  understandable reason to hate it too, and Taehyung, of all people, should know that.

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