Highs Make You Brave (SoulXReader) Lemon Oneshot

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"This is so overrated," you said to yourself while sitting on the couch. You had been in the 'designated' lounge area of Kidd’s big house. The flashing lights and pounding music kept on in the connected dance space, while your headache pounded relentlessly. The smell of marijuana filled the lounge room, and a haze cloud drifted around it. It wasn't your first choice, but it was better than the only other option in the house. "Stupid Kidd. Locking the house and rooms upstairs," you mumbled as you sprawled out one of the many couches. You started watching the drunk and clearly impaired people walk in, smoke for a bit, and walked back out to go dance some more.

"Having a good time cutie?" You looked straight up to see Soul staring down at you with his signature grin plastered on his face."No," you stated simply with a frown on your face. 

"Mind if I sit? I need to wind down," he said while rubbing the back of his neck.  You nodded your head and sat up to give Soul some room. He sat down next to you and motioned a guy over for a quick smoke. The man didn't hesitate in getting up and handing it to Soul. Taking a big hit of the blunt, he looked at you and held it out for you to take. You shook your head and made a pass motion with your hands. 

"I'm not big into smoking," you told him finally pushing his hand away gently.He turned his head forward, stared at the floor for a second, and chuckled as the smoke left his mouth. You shifted slightly in your chair and looked away. You had always found Soul attractive, but for some reason the sight of him smoking was turning you on. He watched you shift from the corner of his eye and smiled to himself. 

Taking another big hit, he turned to face you completely, and motioned you to his lap. Little did you know, that Soul was big time into you. There had always been subtle hints that he threw at you, hoping for you to take a nibble at the bait (to no avail), but he felt especially brave tonight.

"Come play with me," he muttered somewhat seductively. Your heart skipped a beat, the sentence startled you a bit inside. He waited impatiently while you slowly shifted your seat, finally shoulder to shoulder with his built form. He clicked his tongue, clearly not satisfied, and handed the blunt back to the guy again. Your face turned red as his hands firmly grasped your hips and he placed you on his lap in a straddling position. The mystery man handed it back to Soul and smiled at the both of you. 

"Have fun you two. I have more where that came from." Soul’s eyes bore into yours as he took another inhale and held his breath. He took his free hand and tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear, then slid it to the back of your neck. He slowly pushed your face closer to his till your lips were almost connected. Your eyes were half open as you both watched each other's lips in anticipation. Suddenly his mouth parted as the smoke slowly began to drift out.

"Open," he said in a slightly husky voice. You did as he said almost instantly, and began to inhale the smoke. ‘Whoa, this is getting interesting’ you thought to yourself.  "Good girl," he smiled in an almost satisfying way, and quickly closed the gap to connect your lips to his. You moaned and wrapped your arms around his neck. He dropped the blunt on the floor, clearly not caring what happened, and wrapped his arms around your back to bring you closer to him. One of your hands began to run through his snowy hair as he broke the kiss and began kissing and licking your neck. You lifted your chin to the ceiling and slipped your eyes shut.

"S-soul," you moaned lightly enough for only him to hear over the bumping music. The feeling of ecstasy overwhelmed you as you lightly tugged at his hair.  He groaned and tightened his grip on you, something hard hitting your inner thigh a few second later. You gasped and blushed slightly. Your crush stopped what he was doing and looked up at you, starting to stroke your (h/c) hair with one hand. His hot breath hit your face, slightly starting to grind himself on you. He brought your ear to his lips, the heat of his breath sending shivers down your spine.

Highs Make You Brave (SoulXReader) Lemon OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now