Important Message (PLEASE READ)

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Hey guys, I don't know if you have actually read my messages on my profile but what I have been saying is that I am putting this story on hold. Unfortuantly, I may not un-hold it until the school holidays which is like two months away. When I do un-hold it then I will upload instantly and upload a couple of chapters. 

The reason I am holding it is because I just haven't had time to write it, school started again and I just feel really stressed out with it. I am focusing on one of my stories, My Hero, My Mate and want to get that finished before I start any more stories or until a continue any of them.

I hope you all understand and please don't get mad at me! I promise deep within my heart that I will upload as soon as I can!

Thanks guys!!!! 

Disguised As A Nerd (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now