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Ariel's POV
I'm at playlist live D.C. and when I walked in the hotel there was so many fans and I got jumped on. I said hi to them and took pictures with some of them since I didn't have a lot of time. But this one fan came up to me and yelled Zariel in my face. I just kept a straight face and tried not to make it obvious that I died inside a bit. I saw Mario and walked over to him and we went to our rooms. Arii,Mario,and I have hotel rooms right next to each other or at least the same hall. We decided to go to the main lobby and there was guards there now and now fans aren't allowed to be in the hotel because there was to many famous people in there. The cool thing about this system is that fans and other people have to stay in another hotel and then famous people and their families get to stay in this hotel. We got to the main lobby and saw someone I didn't want to see. I mean I was kind of looking forward to see him but I changed my mind after that fan shouted zariel.

Marios POV
I was hanging around Ariel and I can definitely tell she was nervous. I didn't really now why but I had an idea that she was thinking about seeing Zach. Zach invited me to go to his performance where he will be singing and told me to invite Ariel and arii. I was going to tell Ariel when I got there but I decided not.

Zach's POV
I got to the hotel and went to my room. I have overheard my mom saying that she saw Ariel and that she was going to be at the lobby if she needed anything. When I heard she was going to be at the lobby I went to nicks room and said that we are going to the lobby to hang and wait for our friends to get there. I was actually pretty excited now that it is really going to happen. I am also looking forward to when I do my performance because I told Mario to invite Ariel and arii. When I got to the lobby I immediately made eye contact with Ariel and we looked at each other then quickly looked away from each other. I decided to go up to her and say hi. So I did.

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