Sensei asked ' why do you write?'
I said 'you claim to know me so what do you think?'
Sensei said 'I guess as humans we all want to be heard. when you write it's like a megaphone through which you are heard.'
I said 'Sensei that just says why people write in general.
Why do you think I write?'Sensei said ' let's skip this back and forth and just tell me already'
I said 'I guess I write because when I don't the voices in my head get too loud
So I must bring them out somehow.'Sensei said 'if you do it for you then why do you feel the need to share the things you write?'
I said ' I guess it's because if I don't share it they eventually crawl back into my head louder than ever.
When I share it, people may read it and hear it and then even if it's for a little while, they'll also hear the voices in my headSensei said 'so I was right . You write to be heard. For the voices in your head to be heard by others. You are like any other creative.
I said 'I never said you were wrong Sensei. You rarely are
Except that time when..........Sensei said ' leave me out of this. I'm not all to blame. After all I'm just another voice in your head.'
Sensei asked why I write
PoetrySensei is many people. Real people. Sensei is many people. Voices in my head