I am a beast, note beast like you may be thinking. not a scary creature, not a cursed prince, rather I'm an odd kid with a strange gift. My gift is a bit of a dusey. Well, I'll get to that in a minute. My name is... Ugh. No ugh is not my name, but I have issues in the past with people screwing it up so... Ok here goes. My name has a long e and a long I. E pronounced E and I pronounced I not eh or ih, e and I, OK? It's Eki, like e ski not eekee, not ikky, Eki; got it? Now back to business. I'm average in every way. I have dark brown hair, brown eyes, fairly pale skin, and a fairly average IQ level. Thing is, I'm the Ice Bringer. Yeah... Oh? You probably have no clue what that is. Well, short story is that each person you meet has a special skill, some are musically inclined, others are good with computers and math, others are artists or athletic. Me, I'm lazy. I like to do the normal teen boy stuff. Play videogames, read, write occasionally. Ok I'm a bit of a Neek. Not like Japanese Neek, just nerd/geek. Back on track! Bringers are kinda like benders, you know? Like avatar? Ok so the jist is this, I control ice, or rather water. My cousin got blessed, or cursed with fire. I've even become friends with a certain Phoenix that plays with stardust, like the cool looking nebulous stuff, Galaxy art you know; bright purple bit of red, it's fantastic to watch really! Oh yeah, I get side tracked easily huh? One of my friends has honed the ability of life, or rather death... He's kinda a necromancer... Wierdo. Well people like us are the oddballs out so I just like to call us beasts rather than nerds, angels, the cursed, or demons, so yeah. I'm a Bringer. I found out kinda late, but I'll tell you about that soon enough. Later :P
Kinda a step out of line... I'm making this like a fantasy journal sooo..... Yeah.... Find out more soon lovelies ttyl ;P