/Prologue|The Bet\

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/Oikawa's POV|Last night at a Party\



We heard some people scream as the music gets loud, as me and my best friend; Iwaizumi Hajime go in at the party dressed as cops. You're probably wondering why. But we were paid to be a stripper for a birthday who-- girl.

We went in covering our identity. And the music was also really loud. We got in the stage and I took the mic to steal Their attention, but it seems like a few girls already noticed us.

"Hey girls~ I'm sensing some trouble here~" it went deadly quiet. So I continued.

I slowly took my cop cap off and smirked.
"Would you like me to double it~?"

The girls responded with a squeal. While Iwaizumi and the other guys covered their ears.

"Are you ready to have some.." i took my police officer polo (A/n: I dunno what it's called. 'Kay?) off and continued to what I was about to say. "Fun~?!"

The girls screamed. Iwa-chan isn't really into these stuff, he just came for the money. So he just stood by the stage.

I started doing what a stripper would do, until it only came with just me and my boxers. The girls were just screaming at me to take it off. So, I stripped it out and it came out with another boxer.

But suddenly, Iwa-chan went in front and tried to imitate what I just did. The people just simply 'Boo'-ed at him. But he took all of his clothing off, piece by piece. And there's something written on his skin.

He took off his polo and tank; If I win
He turned around; You will have
He turned around to face us again and took off his pants; A kiss from
He turned around again and showed his bottom—with boxers of course— and shook it a bit; Oikawa.

And of course, everyone paid him. Some even threw cashes towards him.

I slowly faced him, with an unbelievable and betrayed look on my face.

"Iwa-chan~! I thought we were friends~" I said while pouting.

He just smirked and raised both of his eyebrows at me and shrugged while saying:"Mehh, couldn't help it. You said I could have some fun too."

I just clicked my tongue and let the girls come into me and just kiss me anywhere, but of course I won't let them steal my first kiss.

/Oikawa's POV|Present at school\

We sat down on our usual hangout place and talked. Either about volleyball, or someone to play. But then Mattsun brought up the topic, that I didn't want.

"Man! Oikawa, you were the star of Misaki's birthday party last night!" He said and laughed. I glared at him and said. "Let's not talk about it. Anyways, what's my punishment?"

"Trashykawa, are you man enough to do it." Iwa-chan said while he patted my shoulder. I just smirked and shrugged off his hand that was on my shoulder and said. "You're Making it seem like it's difficult. What is it anyway?"

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