Chapter 5

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Sophie's POV

I woke up to see I was sprawled around on the couch with Niall.

Zayn was on the floor with his foot in Louis' face, And Harry had is face in Liam's bum.

I snapped a quick pic, just in case I ever need blackmail.

I finally looked at Niall. He looked so cute sleeping!

I saw his eyes flutter open revealing his blue eyes.

" Hello Sophie. " He smiled at me

" Hey Niall. "

" I don't know about you, but I'm hungry. " I said patting my stomach

" Sophie, if you knew me, you would know I'm always hungry. " He chuckled

" Well...want to go to Nandos? " He said with pleading eyes.

How the hell am I supposed to say no to that?

" Fine lets go, and leave the boys to wake up by themselves. " I chuckled

I went to my room, and put on black skinny jeans, with a red v-neck shirt. I put on my red toms an put my hair in a nice high-ponytail.

I grabbed my purse and phone, and I was ready to go.

I went downstairs to see Niall. God I don't think I will ever get over those beautiful blue eyes, and his perfect face.

" Lets go! " He said

We went to the car and drove to Nandos, which according to Niall, was his favorite place to eat.

We sat down in a booth, and took the menu

" What would you like to eat? " Niall asked

" Um, a salad. " I said

Everything else looked so greasy and fattening.

" No. You are not getting a salad. "

" but everything else is so fattening."

" Sophie look at me. " He said

I refused

" Sophie, please look at me. " He begged

I finally decided to look at him.

" Sophie, you are beautiful, you are not fat, you actually are very skinny, and you know you need some real food. " He said sternly

When did Niall care so much about me? I am just the messed up girl he found.

" Fine, I'll get a cheeseburger. " I smiled

" Thats my girl. "

When he said that I got butterflies in my stomach.

Then a waitress came.

" Hello sir, what would you like to order. "

This girl had her cleavage sticking out of her shirt, and half her ass was noticeable from a mile away.

She was also practically eye-raping Niall, and forgetting I was completely there.

What is this? I feel mostly jealousy. Until I noticed how uncomftorable Niall looked.

" Yes, um, we will have 20 pieces of peri-peri chicken, two plates of chips ( fries ), 3 cheeseburgers, and the Tuesday special. " He smiled

My mouth hung low. I said ONE cheeseburger, NOT THE ENTIRE MENU!

" Ok, should be here soon." The waitress said showing a little more of her cleavage ( if that was possible ) then leaving.

" Aw, is somebody jealous? " Niall said in a baby voice

" N-no! " I blushed

" There is no need to be jealous. " he said pinching my cheeks. Making me blush more.

" I'm not! "

I saw a hint of disappointment in his eyes.

" Well, all I'm saying is that you are beautiful and there is no need to be jealous." He smirked.

Why is he being like this? It isn't like we are dating.

Gladly our food got here, but with the slutty girl again.

" Here is your food. "

She whispered something in Niall's ear, then left.

" What did she tell you? "

" Something that made me very uncomftorable. " He muttered


I grabbed a cheeseburger. I took a bite out of it and felt completely disgusted. Even though it tastes heavenly.

Unlike Niall, he already ate his peri-peri chicken, and most of the thursday special.

I quickly finished the cheeseburger, and thought to myself how am I supposed to burn these Calories?

" Sophie, you sure you don't want another cheeseburger? " He asked finishing his thursday special

" Yes, I already have to find a way to burn the calories that the first one gave me. "

" Sophie you are not leaving this place, until you finish this cheeseburger." He said holding out the burger

" But-"

" No, no,no buts are for sitting on. Eat." He interrupted me

I gave up, and took the cheese burger.

" Thank you." He said smiling

I finished the amazing cheeseburger and we left Nandos.

" Since we are already out, why don' we just go to the park. It is only about a block away, we can come back and get the car later." He said

" Sure."

We walked to the park, which from my point of view, was beautiful

" The swings!!!" we both yelled and ran over to the swings.

" Sophie?" He asked

" Yeah?"

" I have been dying to kiss you." He whispered loud enough for me to hear

I stood there shocked, not knowing what to say.

" Can I?"

" Y-yes. " I stuttered

He finally crashed his lips onto mine. He licked the bottom of my lip asking for permission, which I quickly granted. We explored each-other's tongues. It was slow and passionate. We parted for air.

" You don't know how I have been dying to do that." He smiled so brightly

At the moment I didn't see or hear anything but the words coming out of his mouth.

Especially, the camera click we didn't hear.

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