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3 years later.
Brooke's pov
October 21

"Honey your doing great" Nate said while holding my hand
"Breathe and push" the doctor said
"AHHHH" I pushed.
I heard a cry
"Did you know your having a boy" the nurse said
"Yea" I said breathing heavily
"What's his name" she asked
"Finley Maloley" I said
"Finley" the nurses said
Nate cut the cord
They cleaned him up
And took him.
"Where are they going with him" I asked worried
"To the neque" the doctor said
"What why" I asked
"His head his a little miss shapen" he said
I nodded
I cleaned up and we went to a new hospital room
I was laying down and still shaking.
"You okay" Nate asks me while grabbing my hand.
"Yea my vagina hurts" I said
He chuckled
"How bad" he asks
"Don't even Nate I just pushed a baby out of my vagina" I snapped
"Okay babe I'm sorry" he said
I went on my phone and went on snapchat
I took a picture of the hospital bed
And captioned
'In pain'

The nurse came in with fin.
"He was born at 3:56 am on October 21and weight 5.5 pounts" the nurse says
She hands him to me.
I held fin
I started crying
I quickly wiped my eyes
"He's so beautiful" I cried
"That's our boy Mrs.Maloley"
"I know Mr Maloley" I said
"He looks mostly like you" he says
"Yea when I was a baby" I said
"So I feed him a bottle of formula. But if I were you I would breast feed" the nurse says.
I nodded
She explained to me everything how to breast feed and how to pump
I pulled out my boob and started to breast feed.
After feeding him my dad walked in
"Where's my grandson" he smiled
"Right here but I need to burp him" I said
He nods
I placed him on my chest and started patting his back lightly
"Wash your hands. Both of you" I said to my father and Nate.
I continued to pay his back till he burped
"Awee Finny fin burped" I said
Nate and I filled out Finley's birth certificate.

"Babe can I hold him for the first time" Nate asks
"Did you wash your hands" I asked
"Yea babe" he says
I handed him to Nate.
"He's so handsome." Nate says
I nodded
"Get some rest your father and I got Finley"
"No I got it" I said
"No the whole time you were squeezing the baby out of you vagina. Take a nap" he says
"No I need to feed the baby soon" I said
He nods

"He looks just like you Brooke when you where a new born" my father says
"How would you know you weren't there" I said
"I had you since you were 2 months." He says
"Okay" I said

About an hour later
Sammy his girlfriend Cameron Hayes jake and Tez came
I was nursing Finley so I put a blanket over me.
"Let me see my god son" Sammy joked
"All of you wash your hands now." I said
They all did.
After I burped Finley again.

Then when he burped I gave him to sammy
"Sit when your holding him" I said
"I can sta-" I cut him off
"Sit" I said
He sits
"I need to piss" I said
I went to the bathroom and did my business
I washed my hands and was about to go back in my bed till I heard Nate talking to the guys
"Guys so if she says to do something before you hold of when your holding the baby just do it. I know she will be over protective over Finley. It's her first" Nate explained
"I understand" everyone started saying
I came out and laid back in the bed.
I heard Finley starting to cry
Sammy hands him to me.
And he instantly calms down.
After a few more hours.
Visiting hours were over
So everyone left besides Nate of course.
I scooted over so Nate can lay with me.

"We make beautiful kids" I said
He nods
Nate kisses me when finleys head
"He's so small" I said
"5 pounds and 5 ounces" Nate says
"We did good Mr Maloley"
"Yes we did Mrs.Maloley"

The nurse came in and said we are allowed to leave tomorrow.
And she gave me some free baby clothes
"My daughter wanted me to give these to you. She's skates biggest fan" the nurse says
"Does she have a phone i can give her. A call. An make her day" Nate says
The nurse give Nate her daughters number

After she left I fed Finley again.
"Damn he gets your boobs more than me. When is it my turn" he asks
I laughed
"Not for a while." I said
"It's been 5 months babe" he groans
"Yea your lucky I let you have sex with me while I was pregnant otherwise it would be 9 months" I said.
"True" he says
"And I just had a baby. So I wouldn't let you anyways for a little while" I said
He nods and kisses me.
After I finished feeding him Nate burped him.
While I took a shower
During my shower I washed my body and my hair. 

After I dried off. And put on
Black shorts
And Nate's gray shirt.

I walked and saw Finley sleeping on Nate's chest. 
I died of cuteness.
I noticed Nate was sleeping too.

I went on my phone and took a pic on snapchat.
And posted
'Born on October 21 at 3:56 am and weight 5.5 pounds'

And tweeted it and posted it on Instagram

The comments bursted with congrats and positivity till I saw a comment where it says
The baby should've died

I just ignored them.

I grabbed Finley and put him in the little bed.

And I laid next to Nate.
I couldn't fall asleep.

I kept checking on Finley.

He was fine I just kept going on my phone.
I saw #finleymaloley was trending.

I looked threw the pictures
All of Finley.
And I liked everyone one of them and followed some.

I noticed it was 5 am
I saw Finley wide awake.
I grabbed him and fed him.
Then I burped him
A nurse came in quietly

"Hello" she says.
"Hi" I said softly
She erases the white board and then leaves.
When it was around 9 am Nate got his car and pulled up because we were leaving to go home.
Finley gets go be In His nursery.

When Nate got there we put Finley In His car seat and we went home.

When we got there we went inside and I saw Tez and jake
"Hey there's the munchkin" jake says
He goes to grab him but I stopped him
"Wash your hands" I snapped
He puts his hands away from Finley and goes to the sink
I go upstairs to finleys nursery which his a crib in our bedroom.
Nothing fancy.
I lay him down in his crib
And then I sat down to unpack the hospital bag.

Finley started getting fussy so I picked him up.

He instantly stops being fussy.
I sit on my bed
"Your just a mamas boy aren't you" I said

I saw jake knock
"You descent" he asks
"Yea" I laughed
"I washed my handed and waited downstairs but I just noticed you went upstairs" he says
"Dork" I said.

I give him fin and fin started to scream his lungs out
He gives him back to me.
"Babies don't like me" he says
" no he is just a mamas boy" I said
He leaves.
I laid fin down as I spread out my legs.
I unswattled him so he can just lay here with me
I put pillows On each side of him so he wouldn't roll.
I got up and grabbed a diaper and wipes
And a onesie that says mamas boy

I went back to him and changed his diaper and put him in his onesie.
And I took a picture of him on my snapchat with the puppy filter.
It was adorable to I posted it and put him as my background.

I saw Nate walk in.
"Hey baby" he says while laying on the bed gently
"Hey" I said while kissing him.
I smelled weed
"You smoked" I said
"I can smoke just not inside. Or by the baby" he says
"Don't smoke. Wait till he's like 5 months Nate" I said
"Okay I'm sorry" he says
"It's fine. It just he started screaming when jake held him. He doesn't like the smell obviously"

I lifted Finley and fed him again.

After I burped him and he fell asleep on my chest then I got up and put him in his crib.
as I got back in my bed I passed out as my head hit the pillow. 

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