8. Secret Honesty

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FInally another chapter for you guys! Now I have a questions for you all, should I keep up with the (slow) updates, or take time to write the story and place it all at once? It would take a long time yes, and you wouldn't have updates. Maybe the updates will come a little faster cause it's more fun to write now, when I have so much other stuff to do, but don't count on it. Exam year sucks. So tell me what you'd like better, cause I get that both aren't that great.   

Thanks and Enjoy this chapter! :)


Time flies when you're touring and we didn't even notice it had already been 2 weeks since we left London. Everyone was back in the rythm of sleeping, preparing, performing and sleeping again. Of course, we did have some trips to get away from the crowds, but they were always short-lived. When the fans discovered where we were, we got ushered back to our hotel as soon as possible, before we could get mobbed. Because of these reasons, it was nice we had the day of today and got to spend it at a private beach just outside Barcelona.    

On the way here we had some fans recognizing us, a few even sneaking past the crew to get a picture when we got out of the car. Luckily they weren't allowed on this stretch of beach and with bags full of clothing and food and our crew right behind us, we floundered through the sand to drop it all at one spot. Zayn, Louis and Harry immediately pulled their shirts and shoes of to take a run for the water, while Liam and I spread ourselves on our towels, enjoying the bright sun. After the incident the last day in London, Liam got a bit more excited and when I mentioned it, he said not to worry about it. Still I was a bit more careful and tried to be nice.  

  ' Want a snack?' I turned my head to the side and pushed my sunglasses up to see Liam holding out a bag of crisps. 'Nah thanks, I think I'm going for a swim, you wanna..' Before I could ask him a thing, I got crushed by a cold wet body, drenched hair in my face, pushing a huff out of me. 'Get of me, crazy!' Harry's laughing face appeared hovering over mine and he started shaking his head, water flying of his now flat curls.  

  Before I could get too wet, I pushed the lanky guy of me and pinned him down by throwing my body crossed over his. 'You're such a douche.' I frowned at him but couldn't help laughing slightly. 'Oh don't deny it, you love it. Why else would you be my boyfriend?' He laughed, trying to crush me with his arms. 'Yeah yeah, just be normal okay, its our day off and I wanna rest, besides you'll have the chance to be my boyfriend tonight. You're taking me out to dinner remember?' I grinned, lying back, deciding I got wet enough due to Harry's antics.    

'Course I remember! It's your birthday dinner and don't worry, I got the perfect gift for you.' Harry smiled, laying on his side so he could look at me. I huffed and rolled my eyes, thinking what a stupid idea this actually was, a dinner before my birthday. Dave thought of it some days ago, saying that it was the perfect chance to take a step further. To be sure there would be pictures made by 'paparazzo', a photographer would come with us.  

Still I wasn't nervous or anything, not even when our day at the beach was over and it was time to go back to the hotel to get dressed up a bit for our fancy dinner. Pulling on the white button-up shirt, I took a look in the mirror and smoothened the fabric. It was kinda tight-fitting, but luckily the little belly I had developed, was almost gone due to the workouts Mark gave us.    

A soft knock on the door of my suite made me shift my attention to it and I went to open it quickly. 'Looking handsome love.' Harry grinned and got swatted against his head immediately. 'Shut up fool, now help me get this tie right.' I said, walking back to the dresser without waiting. 'God Niall, still?' He exclaimed, though he still grabbed the tie out of my hand and slung it around my neck. I knew what Harry meant, we had had so many official events where we had to wear a tie, but I still could never get it right completely. Tying was okay, but it always ended up crooked. It took him a few seconds to tie it right and after he sneaked a hand through the right side of my hair, probably straightening it.  

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