Chapter 1

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It was last night when i first met him. I remember i could feel his eyes boring into the back of my head, yet when i turned around, he glanced shyly down. To be honest thats pretty much all i can remember from last night; i looked around me ,rushed into my clothes and snuck out of the room as quietly as i could trying not to wake...whoever it was.

I know what your thinking 'im a slut' but im not i just wanna enjoy myself and plus it'd been a while (well 2 weeks) I should probably explain all of this to you before i continue so here goes.

My name is Jamie, Jamie Ross and i am a senior in high school. I lost my virginity when i  was 15 and have been have been having pretty frequent sex ever since then, with just about anyone. The Jocks, The college hotties the Sexy nerds and ,not meaning to boast, ive gotten quite good.

The Night i met him however was at a party my friend karen was throwing, a wild house party where pretty much everyone was hammered. After feeling his gaze on me I checked him out, he looked older and the teeniest bit familiar but definately drop dead gorgeous with arm muscles to die for. I stumbled over to flirtaciously smile and giggle while he looked me up and down appreciatively

i asked him "you like what you see?"

and bit my lip gently.

He replied with "not bad, well i'd fuck you if thats what you mean."

I mock gasped at his forwardness but proceeded to advance closer to him, staring him straight in the eyes while grabbing and sizing up the slight lump in this shorts.

'Not bad' i thought and winked then turned around just as the song blasting from Karens huge speakers changed. I began to grind on him, wiggling my butt suggestively as i felt the lump in his shorts begin to grow

"ooh you get turned on easily" i said

while he blushed but continued to dance close to me. I whipped him around to me grabbed his phone and put my number in, i then winked and walked away. I knew i was gonna have fun with this one.

*Next Morning Again*

I left his house and walked a few blocks until i got back to Karens then i sauntered into the kitchen and greeted Karen, Jasmine and Tiffany and hopped up onto a bar stool next to them ,joining in the chatter

"so how was your night" Jas asked me winking "Meet anyone special?"

"just the usual"  I replied and they smiled knowingly back.

We continued to chat and gossip about the nights happenings when Karens parents (Mr. and Mrs Baxter) crashed through the door looking absoloutley ecstatic. I wish i had parents like hers, they are so cool and dont mind her having parties or having guys over, but they still care about her! Mine just float around telling me i cant do this and i cant do that , ugghh if only.

Anyway it turns out Karens older brother just arrived back from spain where hes been living for the past 4 years. He got back 3 days ago although had been crashing at a mates. Hes 21 although ive never actually met him as before he went away i was still at my old school, and hadnt met the Baxters back then. So when he walked in my eyes went wide as he glanced around and plopped down on the stool next to Karen

"Hey K"

***A.N. so what do you guys think? i i really dont know about this story help me, should i continue??? I really wanna know what you guys think so please vote and comment thanksss :) ***

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