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Zahras POV

Wallah if I'm late this time Soroya I'm gonna kill you! This happens everyday can't you wake up early if your gonna do that much makeup. "Well Zari not everyone can be a natural beauty like you" Soroya snap back at me. This is gonna be the third time In a week we are gonna be late to Uni because my cow of a sister takes ages to put on makeup. "All done" she says and we are out the door. It's the fall and Afghanopolis looks beautiful this time of the year. Afghanopolis the silly nickname we had made up for our community. Which is the biggest Afghan diaspora in London and the entire U.K. The elders say it's as if they never left Kabul in the first place. Being in such a big Afghan community has its advantages and its disadvantages.. Like when all the fat annoying Khalsa find out that you just turned 23 and are already bombarding your fam asking your hand for their fuck boy sons. Who their entire lives have smoked, drank and of course slept with all the white bloodied but when it comes to marriage only a virgin beautiful Afghan girl will do bloody hypocrites. Allah knows how long it took to convince baba to let me continue my studies. Had he had his way I would have been married off 3 years ago!. I have mum to thank for that I'm not! She knows how important my education and my dream of becoming a doctor and opening a clinic in Afghanopolis is for me. My parents have always been open minded people. They always ask if there's a "someone" if I know a good Afghan boy who like. Yeah right just like unicorns good Afghan boys are a myth nonexistent. "Okay so I will see you in 3 hours yeah" says Soroya as she runs to join her snobby chi mekooni friend. I spot Salma my best friend since year 2 and go over to talk. Her eyes are puffed and her face grief stricken. What's wrong I ask. "Omar" she sobs, "they beat him up pretty bad, broke his shoulder. He told the cops he fell from his bike and that's how it happened but I know that Ronnie and his gang beat him up" Omar was Salmas baby brother and more importantly part of the AFG the gang of the community. "I wish Omar never fucking met him it all because of him. He got him into to this now he comes home, has wads of cash we don't know where he got" I lower my eyes in shame as Salma is talking about one of my own. My cousin Baz leader of AFG.

Mansoors POV

Yes sir, yes I understand yes. I hang up and scream in to my pillow! Yes!!! Months of agonizing charity dinners and Ass kissing finally lands me the contract I always wanted fixing up the neighborhoods of Afghanopolis. At the age of 26 and the resources I had available. You would think I would be at some gateway island partying my jawaani. Well your not wrong I always thought that as well. With my father who owns a chain of franchise throughout the city. I never even needed to attend Uni. As far I knew it life was set for me. It's just I love building things, more importantly I love helping others. I been blessed with luxuries most don't have. When I decided to go to Uni and pursue a career as an architect. Stepmom was against it she wanted to stay me home marry one of her friends daughters and give her grandchildren. But dad was proud. To him what I was doing was admirable. My phone rings Salam. "I heard you got the contract well at least you will help those peasants, make life easier on them" Salam Mariam and how are you. "Good beydaar Jaan in Rome on a business trip. Baba Jaan is planning on opening a restaurant here as well and of course one of his kids has to help out and take care of the family business. "Not everyone has the luxury to follow their dreams and live carefree" Mariam says harshly with her cold tone and hangs up. Ugh! I jump back in my bed. My relationship with my sister has never been the best. For starters we are half siblings. I was 2 when I lost my mum to breast cancer. When baba remarried again everyone was worried that the new wife would be some evil stepmom out of a fairly tale. Only evil thing about my stepmom is that she made me eat my vegetables as a kid. Babas second wife raised and loved me as her own. Maybe a little too much. Ever since Mariam was born she always felt as she was second to me that baba and mader didn't love her as much as me. Me wining my U12 tournament overshadowed her straight As. My first contract I got as an architect overshadowed her acceptance in to Cambridge. Now that we are all grown up. I notice Mariam has become a beautiful young woman. Her white skin dark black hair and green eyes are features the men swoon over. Yet her tongue is sharp as a sword that cuts deeply. I wish to have a better relationship with her one day. After mader and baba it's just us two.. I spent my entire life wanting to build and construct things not knowing that there's things in my life that are broken and need to be fixed.

Bazs POV

"It was fucking Ronnie Singh and his kuni friends who jumped Omar. Says Aziz, so what are we going to do about it. I keep punching the punching bag. Swear dripping from my brow. How much was this months profits. I ask. "Are you serious they almost killed him and you're worried about your bloody nightclub profits" m. I shoot Aziz a look and he shit up quickly. It's business Aziz, that's why you drive a BMW because of our multiple business ventures do you understand! I roar at him. To most I'm a Zalim a heartless thug who isn't smart and either steals or sells drugs to make money. I do neither. I run a business not a pure one to say the least. These days rich kids all they think about is booze, drugs and sex. I run "ThriLL" a place where I offer these kids exactly that a thrill for a night but for a price. "We made around £25,000 last month." That's £5,000 less than last month. "The kids are finding cheaper weed and are buying from that source instead from us" what? I laugh, who stupid to compete with me in Afghanopolis? Do they have a death wish. "It's Ronnie, the little prick is mad they we are driving his cleints from him so he started selling in Afghanopolis he sells to the school kids mostly. My blood boils at this. Granted I know I'm not saint, neither will I ever be. But I have a strict over 18 rule to who I sell. Especially in Afghanopolis. "Where the hell you going" says Aziz. Gonna visit Ron I smirk wanna have a good chat with him I smirk and grab my jacket. "I'm coming with you as well " says Aziz. No I reply as I get on my bike and ride off. 15 minutes later I'm at a Indian restaurant that Ronnie owns as I enter I see him sitting at the table with his friends. He's drunk as he sees me his eyes widen! "Fuck you doing in my ends you bastard" one of his boys rushes me. I grab his and snap it behind his back. Its already broken as he kneeling in front me yelling for me to let go. My eyes not leaving Ronnie's SNAP! I break it in a different place. Ravi and Lucky The other two boys beside Ronnie come at me. I kick Ravi hard in the gut and flip the other over the table. I grab a cigarette bowl and hold Ravi by the neck as I merciless start smashing him in the face with it. Until his nose is leaking like a faucet. I let him go. I turn to see Ronnie trying to grab his gun. Before he can I have him pinned down on the table. "If I even see your shadow again in my area or anywhere near the schools ever again then I won't be this kind next time" I scream in to his ear. As he writhes in pain. I grab a lit cigarette and smush it in to his cheek. "This is for Omar by the way"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2016 ⏰

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