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The next day, Jackson sat in the almost empty cafeteria alone. He was waiting for Jaebum and his food had already finish. He did not plan on going to the field to see Mark today, he was a little heartbroken. Other than that, he felt lonely and empty as if his world fell apart. After a few minutes, Jaebum finally came with messy hair and puffy eyes, he looked like he had just woke up. He was not looking happy as well.

"Remind me why I even bother hooking up with girls?" he asked bluntly before Jackson could even greet him. Jaebum dropped himself onto the seat in front of Jackson and buried his face into the palm of his both hands.

Jackson didn't say anything and he could tell it was a one night stand he had. Jaebum hated one night stand but he couldn't help it to hook up with girls because maybe she was the 'one'. 

'Jinyoung was right' Jackson thought. Remembered the little story-telling from Jinyoung last night.

"How did you come back last night?" Jaebum asked, he felt bad for leaving his best friend last night just to go out with some random girl.

"With a new friend," Jackson respond and Jaebum was surprised. He knew Jackson does not make friends easily and he was actually proud of Jackson.

"So," Jaebum wondered, looking around the cafeteria nervously, "how was the party last night? Anything else happened?"

The questions made Jackson excited. He told everything about how him and Mark was looking up at the stars and how Mark complimented him, too. But the feeling drained out once he remembered the random lady sitting on Mark's lap, making out on the kitchen counter.

Jaebum noticed how Jackson's smile suddenly turned into a frown and how he was avoiding eye contact with him.

"It's okay, Jackson," said Jaebum, trying to cheer his best friend, "You're probably too cool for him." he added which made Jackson smiled a little.

"And you're too cool for that girl, too." Jackson replied which made Jaebum smiled too.


A couple of days passed quickly, Jackson hadn't been to the field or training since then. He didn't want to meet Mark anymore nor does he feels like to go back to training. He wanted to quit but he was too scared to go up to Mark and say it by himself. Instead, he wrote a letter saying how he wanted to quit and asked Jaebum to give the letter to the football captain.

"This is strange," Jaebum mentioned while they walk around outside the campus. Jackson looked up from the ground and stared at Jaebum.

"I mean, I'm so used to meeting you at the field but now you're everywhere around the campus and buildings... but the field." Jaebum explained.

"Yeah..." Jackson sighed.

As they walk, Jackson saw something he shouldn't. He suddenly felt numb, not because of the cold weather but the sight of Mark holding hands with the girl from the party. Jackson was hoping it was a one time thing but he guessed it wasn't after all. 

Jackson couldn't help but to stare at Mark since he haven't seen him for a long time. He missed Mark. Jackson then stopped walking when Mark noticed him. Like the usual, he suddenly became sweaty under his sweater even though its not even summer and his heart beats too fast.

"H-Hey," Mark waved, letting go of the girl's hand and walked towards Jackson. Mark was suddenly nervous seeing Jackson and it was strange.

"Hey," Jackson replied confidently with his chin up but he slowly looked down onto his shoes. Suddenly feeling scared at the eye contact they had just now.

"I kinda miss you after not seeing you around the field," Mark mentioned and Jackson looked up in shocked with his eyes wide. Jackson could feel the warmth in his both cheeks and he was suddenly feeling embarrassed. He was speechless because Mark noticed all those times when he used to sit around at the field but now, he was avoiding that place.

"Well," said Mark looking at the girl behind him then looked back at Jackson, "I hope to see around at the field again." he smiled and left with the girl.

Jackson stood still, he was not sure how to feel. He was confused but the feeling didn't last long until Jaebum came and wrap his arms around his shoulders.

"Are you okay?" Jaebum asked.

"No," Jackson replied, "I'm hopeless." he added and Jaebum could only chuckle at him.


i seriously dont know how this story goes now, i mean, i really hope this is not getting shittier for you guys to read. to those who are still here, reading this and just.. still here, thank you so much

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