He pushed a bishop diagonal hesitantly, brow furrowed. Black clashed on white across the board. Well, mostly black. I nudged my knight to the side. "Checkmate," I grinned.
"Very good, sir," the new trainee replied. His name was either Brandon or Brian; I didn't know or care. He'd be gone in a week, I thought, zoning out.
"But not good enough."
I snapped back to attention immediately. He had taken my knight with his sly bishop. "I believe that
I have the checkmate, sir," he added, pushing in his chair and exiting.My eyesight blurred as I studied the board. It was impossible! I hadn't lost a chess game since... I don't think I had ever lost a game. Our entire wordless experience played through my head, and I groaned aloud. He had been winning the entire time, just toying with me. I reached up to tap my earpeice. With a few words, I would never see Brandon again. Or Brian.
But something stopped me.I put my hand down, and continued studying the board.
General FictionWatch a genius chess player become so much more than he never thought he could be.... Not really sure where this is going, hang with me