chapter twenty eight

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It's been two weeks since Chloe had the miscarriage and she is getting better because Tristan is helping her through it. I am currently in my room listening to music when there was I knock on my bedroom door

'come in ' I shouted

the door opened and Zoe and Grace walked in.

'hey can we talk to you for a sec' Zoe asked me

'Yeah sure come in ' I replied turning off the music

they both sat down on my bed and Chloe said 'Megan do you have feeling for Ashton again'

'Chloe me liking Ashton is only a silly little crush, I really really love Brad and I want to spend the rest of my life with him ' I replied back to Chloe

'Okay whatever you say and only if your sure ' Zoe said to me.

'I am 100% sure I really really love Brad ' I replied smiling.

'ok great and Brad wants us all down in the living room  now ' Zoe said and we all got off my bed and went downstairs and into the living room were everyone is sitting down waiting for us. I walked over to were Brad was sitting and sat down and he put his arms around me.

'So Brad what do you want to talk to us about ' Tristan asked  Brad

'My Mam is throwing a party for my Dad's birthday and I want all of ye to come ' Brad said smiling at everyone

'When is it on ' I asked him smiling

'Tomorrow night ' he replied to me smiling

Me and the girls looked at eachother and smiled and then shouted 'SHOPPING TRIP ' and ran out of the room but then I ran back into the living room and gave Brad a quick kiss and then ran out again. When I was running upstairs to the girls and to  get my stuff I heard the boys laughing but I just shrugged it off and after about ten minute me and the girls were out the door on our way into town.


We have been in town for about two hours now and we are currently in River Island looking for something to wear for Chloe when I saw Ashton walk into the shop holding hands with a girl with Brown hair with blonde dip dye she was gorgeous I'm so happy for him. I told the girls and then I walked over to say hi when I  realised that we actually know the girl. Her name is Victoria and me and the girls went to school with her. Me and Grace got on really well with her you could say we were best friends but Chloe and Zoe are a different story. We will get to that later

'Hey ' I said happily to Ashton and Victoria

'Oh my god Megan is that really you ' Victoria said being her happy self

'Yeah how are you I haven't seen you in ages it's just when I moved here everything just got so crazy ' I replied

'I'm good and your fine honest I just moved here with the boys ' Victoria said with the biggest grin on her face

'Oh my god that is amazing, so how long as this going on for ' I said smiling at them point to their hands

''It started about two weeks after you left ' Ashton replied smiling

'I know this was going to happen I called it ' I replied smiling

'What do you mean ' Ashton replied

'I know ye had a thing for eachother and I said to Grace that ye were going to start dating sooner or later' I replied


I can't believe that I get to see Megan again and Grace but I know Chloe and Zoe are around the shop somewhere and they arent my favourite people in the world. All five of us were best friends until Zoe went away and kissed my boyfriend and not once twice. Chloe then went away and took Zoe side and stopped talking to me altogether and Grace Ashton Megan and Jake were always stuck in the middle. Let's just hope that doesn't happen this time around I am able to forget about it if they can't cause I am over it and I'm with Ashton now and I love him

hey guys hope you like the chapter xx

-love Megan xx

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