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Why was he here again? Zero's lips twisted into a frown. He wasn't exactly sure how he found himself here. But when he thought about it, his lips favored a bitter smile; did it matter in the end?

He had been wondering, how he would have felt towards vampires, if not for the massacre of his family. Sure, he was born a Hunter; not just any Hunter, but one from the elite Kiryu Clan; he's supposed to naturally hate vampires.

But why? He dug his hands into the pockets of his school pants; he knew that Hunters hated vampires, but...


Was it exactly... justified to hate a race simply because of what they were? Yes, vampires were one of the bigger reasons for mass destruction through out the ages, however; not every single vampire was like that...

He wasn't.

'No, that's different,' he mused, 'Did I just... put myself with them? That's not right.'

But it was true, wasn't it? He might still be a Hunter, but it was really foolish of him to deny what he also was. He chuckled; he'd been doing it for 4 years. Of course he had his reasons for the extreme hatred and disgust burning within his soul.


He hadn't realized that he'd closed his eyes; or that his right hand had traveled to his tattoo.

He bit his lip; he had to stop this. Over the course of 4 years, he had been able to observe the actions of the vampires at Cross Academy, and so far, didn't see anything that made them deserve his callousness that he always carried towards them. It was trauma and force of habit... but it had to stop.


Kaname was something of a master chess player. Although, the ornate chessboard in his room went unused, mostly. It was only used when he, or one of his pawns made a move. He glanced down at the board from his place beside the window behind his desk.

In the next moment, the white knight was in his right hand; the smooth, cold texture calming the pureblood's nerves. Zero had yet to make a move; therefore, the knight had hardly made any moves on the chessboard.


He ran a slender hand through his dark locks as he put the knight back in its place. He observed the board a little longer before he glanced back out the window.

He had felt his presence for a long time before the Hunter actually bothered to knock.

Kaname, without a thought really, unlocked the door using his telekinetic powers, and murmured, "Come in," before taking a seat at his desk.

It took him a minute, but Zero made his way into the room; not bothering with the door seeing as things around here seemed to take care of themselves, and had a seat across from the pureblood.

Kaname watched the silver-haired teen across from him closely as he pulled a tin out of his white jacket, and took two pills from it and put them into the flute glass of water before him, watching them dissolve slowly into a pale red, before taking a slow sip.


Kaname thrummed his fingers patiently on his desk; taking note in the way the Hunter was fidgeting with the cuffs of his school uniform and looking anywhere but at the pureblood; it seemed the ex-human preferred the floor.

After a few minutes, Kaname raised a slender eyebrow and asked, "Why are you here, Zero?"

Zero seemed slightly startled by the pureblood's voice, and jerked his head up; seeming as if he was looking for something to say.

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