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Kaname smirked as his fangs entered the Hunter's neck; the poor boy hadn't even had time to register what was happening. As he would have guessed, Zero's life force was much more potent than it should have been.

'I was afraid of that...' the prince thought as he continued to gulp down the smooth, creamy taste of Zero's blood.

He could hear the shallow gasps Zero was taking; he also felt the boy's hand unconsciously clutching his dark locks for dear life.

Kaname smirked; so the Hunter was feeling it, then? The pleasure...

His theory was proved correct when a soft gasp escaped the silver-haired teen's smooth lips; Zero was tense now, but still too shocked to stop Kaname from continuing his meal.

"K... Kaname... please." The Hunter mewled softly.

Kaname raised an elegant eyebrow, and paused his drinking; wondering what he could have been pleading for.


Ah... Zero wanted him to stop. That was it. A deep smirk appeared on Kaname's face; he knew what would happen when he stopped. He was prepared for it too.

He took a few more sensuous gulps of the addictive nectar, before breaking the spell and pulling his fangs out. He didn't even have time to lick the wound clean before a pair of strong hands pushed against his chest, and sent him flying over his desk and through his large window.

Kaname frowned as he sailed through the air, before regaining his senses and quickly flipped; orienting himself before landing gracefully on his feet onto the soft snow below.

He removed his jacket; feeling shards of glass sticking in his back. 'Damn,' he thought, 'I wasn't quite prepared to be thrown through a window.'

He calmly shook his jacket, seeing stains of red. His frown deepened, and he rolled his deep red eyes; for he knew what would follow.

"Kaname-sama!" Hanabusa Aidou's voice pierced the frozen night air as he, along with Akatsuki, Ruka, Takuma, Rima and Shiki, threw open the Moon Dorm doors and rushed outside.

He hardly paid them any mind as he slowly glanced back up at his window, to see Zero standing in the wake of the broken glass; the moonlight bathing him, making him look ethereal while the wind tossed his bangs about.

Kaname drew his lips into a tight line as he saw the look of true irate fury on the prefect's face, before the Hunter's attention was drawn to the noisy Hanabusa.

"Aidou," Kaname put up his hand in a sign for him and the others to stop.

"I'm fine. Go back to your rooms."

Hanabusa wrinkled his brow, "But Kaname-sama! Not only did we smell your blood, but-!"

Takuma interjected, "Your window is broken, Kaname."

That statement caused Akatsuki, Ruka, Rima and Shiki to glance up at the place the other three vampires present were already looking at.

A snarl ripped through Hanabusa's lips, "ZERO KIRYU! I should have KNOWN it was you! How DARE you put your filthy hands on Kaname-sama like that! Get the hell down here!"

Kaname just sighed, watching as annoyance crossed Zero's face before the prefect flipped off the edge of the broken window, and land on his feet before the Night Class.

"Go to hell, Aidou," Zero snapped, "You're oh so precious leader provoked me." Hanabusa's deep ocean blue eyes widened, "Kaname-sama? Provoked YOU? Che, you're lucky to even be in his PRESENCE!"

Zero narrow his eyes, "You're testing my patience."

Kaname's lips drew into a firm line, crossing his arms; wondering when would be a good time to intervene. Or bring up the fact they disobeyed his order simply because they saw Zero.

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