Don't Know Why

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After they had both finished their letters, the looks at each other from across the pub, really said it all. A connection, a love formed years previous was still apparent. They made their way to the middle of the pub, eyes glistening as they stared at each other for a moment. Logan was the first to break, as he softly cupped the side of her face with his hand. 

Finn came up beside them, holding two drinks. "Now my lovelies, this is a party and I'm very disappointed to not see a drink in either of your hands. So here!" He said as he thrusted the drinks into their hands. 

As the night progressed, more drinks flowed, stories and tales were told of past and present adventures. As the night wore on, Logan decided he couldn't wait any longer. He grabbed Rory's hand and lead her out of the pub and into a waiting taxi, bound for his hotel.

No words were spoken, they weren't needed. His lips crashed into hers the minute the elevator door had closed. They both needed this, all the sexual tension had been building, a release was needed.

The next morning, Rory woke up first with a pounding head and a slight sense of regret. As much as she loved him, a sober Rory was remembering all the reasons she'd said no in the first place. She didn't think she could do this again, she didn't feel strong enough to fight if it would only end in her heart being shattered all over again. She quietly got out of bed, dressed and was out the door before Logan woke up. She needed to organise her thoughts, a pro/con list, something, anything to make her stop feeling this way.

 A few hours later and another lunch at Yale. She had ignored Logan's few phone calls and messages, she still didn't know what was going on inside her head. She could only hope that she wouldn't run into him, but chances of that was slim.

While talking to Paris, she looked up across the room and saw him. She could see a heartbroken man and she made him that way. She excused herself from the conversation and table, making her way over to him.

"Why Rory? Didn't last night mean anything to you at all. Was it all apart of some game or just your final goodbye, see you later, kick in the guts for me?" He asked, the hurt was clear to see.

"No it wasn't."

"You really didn't care about last night did you?"

"Of course I did, it meant a lot to me, like you do. I just got scared, and remembered all the reasons for which I said no. Logan we are now two very different people, we aren't who we were in college, we've grown up and become different people, with different wants and needs. I don't think I'm what you need anymore."

"How would you know? You just left this morning without a word." He said his voice slightly raised.

"I freaked out Logan, I'll admit it. I got scared and didn't know what to do. So I left." Her voice slightly raised as well.

"Well excuse me for pouring out my heart to you last night and it not meaning a thing to you." Logan yelled at her.

By this time, everyone around was watching and listening. But they didn't even realise, too wrapped up in their own little world and fight to noticed anything else.

"How dare you say I don't care. I care more about you than anything else. That's it Logan, I'm done. This isn't going to happen, I can't take this fighting, it's over before it even began. Bye Logan have a good life." She said and walked off, she ended up in the nearest bathroom. Steph had overheard the fight and followed her in.

"Rory, are you in here?" She said as she walked in. She heard faint sobs coming from behind one of the doors.

"He just made me feel so small, almost treating me like I was nothing, like he never even cared about me in some ways. I can't take that and I won't." She said wiping her eyes, as she opened the toilet door.

"Did you ever think that he's just hurt and saying things he knows will hurt you to like even up the score. Not that anyone is keeping score or anything. Rory, you need to let that guard of yours down again. I understand that it's hard but believe me, you and Logan are meant for each other. Although how many times will you tear each other down, before you realise that all of this hoopla is pointless?" Steph asked as she gave Rory a hug. "One of these days, you both might finally realise how right for each other you are, well we can only hope. Stop being so guarded and let the poor boy back in. I have never in the whole time I've known him, to care about a girl the way he cares about you, even years later. I don't think you notice just how much. Do me a favour, please just think about it. It doesn't have to be today or tomorrow, but do soul search and work out what it is you want. Neither of you can string each other along, only to tear other other down the next moment."

 Rory sat there stunned, who knew that Steph had all of that in her. She watched Steph leave through the door. She sat the for a few moments longer, the girl really had some good points but today was not the day. She needed time, she just didn't know how much or for how long.

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