I'm layin here cryin,I'm thinkin bout dyin,my life is a lie an I'm tired of tryin, I'm tired of cryin,I'm sick of your lyin,I hope your fuckin dyin on the inside mother fucker! Your such a fucking dick I hope you burn in hell for your shit!
Knees tight to my chest,I can't catch my breth,I feel the death coming with every hit, when you call me a bitch it hurts worse than your hits.
Bloods rushing down the side of my head,heart jumping inside my chest, fists coming down as I fall to the ground,what did I do?Tell me WHAT DID I DO?I look up at you with such hate in your eyes I just wanna know why. But I cant speak so I lay there and cry,I'm ready to die,the tears flowing out of my eyes,you never notice the scars on my thighs,or the tears in my eyes,everyone askin me why I keep my emotions inside.
I don't have the heart to tell you what's going through my mind,it's constantly hidden in my head, I constantly wanna be dead,but instead, I lay on my bed, shit spinning in my head,they all want me dead but inside im already dead an gone,take another hit from the bong,listen to a depressing ass song, thinkin bout what my mommas life would be like if i was gone.
Head between my knees, waitin on the right time to squeeze the trigger, when, where, and how i would do it, man you really put me through it,you say i wont do it, to much of a pussy, to much of a bitch, maybe you'll realize when im in the ditch, notta wound thata stitch could fix, you call me a snitch, what if i snitched honestly? You'd kill me probably, but who really cares when i done cried a thousand tears throughout the years an i have no fears, mom says its ok but i just wanna fade away, just wanna bring a gun to your head and blast you with it, waiting for the right time, once i stood behind a locked door witha knife, ready to stab you with it, you put me through hell, i think ive finally fell, ya im prolly goin to hell, but fuck it,cuz im tired of tryin, I'm tired of cryin,I'm sick of your lyin,I hope your fuckin dyin on the inside, cuz i know i am mother fucker....5/12/2012