First Time

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'Rain. No. It's pouring.' I just shrugged, nothing a lil' rain would hurt me. I walked pass a street and saw a coffee shop nearby. I went inside to get out of the rain, and maybe hang around for a bit until the rain pour stops. I ordered a mochiatto latte and sat at the corner of the cafe. I was busy looking at the window and the rain to notice a girl just a few tables away from my table. I lingered my eyes to look around and saw her.

'She's...beautiful.' I thought for a second.

I observed her. Honestly, no, I was scanning her. Her faces, her jawline, her cherry lips, her wavy light turqoise blue hair that's glimmering, eventhough it's raining, she still shines.

As I was scanning her, she looked me in the eye. Crap!

I think she knew, she was being watched.
She was looking straight into my eyes. Her eyes... They were pure blue. So, mesmerising.

She flashed me a smile. I couldn't help but smile back a her. Wow, who would've thought, me? Alexander Baine Karma, would smile at someone, mostly at a girl like that?

I couldn't believe it myself. I was giving her a warm gentle smile. Not that, Devilish smile or grins, that I ever gave to people who ever looked my way. Heck, I don't even attempt to smile at people. Man, is the world ending or something?!

She stopped staring at me and back to reading her book. When did she have it anyway? Guess I was busy admiring her to even notice.

'I should probably stop staring at her now.' I thought and continued to drink.

I was about to set my cup to the table, I hear a scream.

"NO WAIT! I'LL GIVE YOU THE MONEY! DON'T SHOOT ME PLEASE!" The lady at the counter screamed to someone. I looked at him. He was wearing a black mask that covered his whole face and has a gun.

'This is interesting.' I stood there watching. Not making a move to help.

"GIVE ME THE MONEY NOW!" The guy in the black mask held the gun up and pull the trigger to make a warning shot.

I had enough of this. I got up, only to see the girl I happen to took a scan at was standing and...

"She's not giving you any money!"

She walked confidently to him. 2 seconds and POW! She kicked his gun out of his hand.

'Did she just do a gun kick?!' I screamed in my head. I think my eyes were a big as an owl now. And my jaws dropped a lil'.

"This is what you get for threatening a woman and for doing crime such as this." She continues to kick and punch him. As she was about to aim at his torso. He grabbed her leg and threw her at the counter.

"I wouldn't do that If I were you, girly." He said in a mocking tone. He came up to her and strangled her neck.

My jaws clenched. 2 seconds later...

"But, I would."

I kicked him at his torso, finishing what the girl had started. I pulled him down and strangled his neck for a spilt second before poking my fingers to his neck where his pulse is. The man dropped unconsious on the floor after I did that. Glad, I could test that out for once.

I look back at the counter where the girl was. She was shocked I guess, judging by how big her eyes and mouth were.

I walked to her and extend a hand.

"You okay?" I asked. She just nods.

My eyes make way to the lady at the counter.

"Are you okay, Miss?"

"Yes, yes .... thank you. And to you too, dear." She thanked me and the girl. The girl just smiled. And start to make her way to her table.

I wasn't gonna let it end here. I grabbed her arm and spun her to face me.

"Are you sure that you're okay?" I asked again. FYI, just making sure. My tone was gentle and concern.

She breath in and out.

"Yeah, I am now. Thank you." She smiled. Her smile was so sweet and gentle, I couldn't help but smile back.

"Good. I was worried ya know. And man... that kick was awesome. Didn't think you would do such a thing."

She giggled a bit.

"Ofcourse I would, it's self defense plus I wasn't planning on watching the scene like someone here."

Ouch. She got me there. I grinned. Then I burst out laughing. She looked at me confuse.

"I wasn't just watching. Honestly, I was waiting for the perfect moment to jump in. I wasn't expecting to watch a kung fu show."

The laughter downed a bit. She just smiled.

"Well, you could've enter, oh I don't know, 5 second before I was strangled. It would really make me feel a lot better if you did."

HAHAHAHA OH LOL This girl has guts.

"Well, that would've ruin the moment of me being the hero." I snickered a little and relax abit.

She was amusing though. I kind of liked that. Before she replied me, she was already packing her stuff to leave.

I'm kind of dissapointed but I didn't show it. I just watch her until...

"Well then, thank you for saving me, hero." She said and winked at me.

"The pleasure is mine, princess." I replied her, with a wink and add an extra bow to that.

She giggled. Oh wow, music to my ears.
She extend her hand to me.

"Marynette. But, people call me Maryn."

I shook her hand.


She smiled. And took her hand back. She walked out of the coffee shop and stopped for a second and glanced at me.

"Nice meeting you, Karma. See you when I see you!"

And with that, she left. I was shooked. A smile formed on my face.

"Nice meeting you too, princess." I whispered, only for me to hear.

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