| fifteen |

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nurses pushed past me, and doctors yelled.
but it all seemed so slow, like the whole world had just slowed down.

"charge to three-hundred!" one of the doctors yelled as they stunned her body with electricity

there was no change in her pulse.

"again!" he yelled once more


"one more time," he yelled

suddenly her pulse on the monitor spiked up and the doctor let out a sigh of relief as he took of his gloves.

he walked over to me, "she's stable for now, but i think we should move her to the icu for now, just to make sure she doesn't quit on us."

"is there any possibility that she might wake up?" i asked desperately

"its slim to none kid, i'm sorry," he frowned as he walked away

i walked to the nearest vending machine and kicked it as hard as i could, i regretted it right when i did it.
i turned around and slid down the wall and sat on the floor.

"no, no, no, this can't be happening," i whispered to myself, almost beginning to cry

"sweetie, are you alright?" an older nurse asked as she sat beside me

i shook my head.

"i'm sorry, i'm here if you need to talk," she tried to smile but knew it wasn't worth it

"well, i could really use someone to talk to."


her name was susan, and she had been working at the hospital for almost forty years.

"her name was chloe, but she's gone now."
i mumbled

"were you two close?" she asked as she bought two candy bars from the vending machine

i nodded

"well, i bet she was a nice young lady,"

i smiled, "yes, yes she was."

"so about this millie girl?"

"how'd you know about her?" i asked suspiciously

"i saw you watching her for the past week, i know love when i see it, and boy i saw it alright." she smirked

"we've been friends since around age 12 and she's always been there for me, and i l-love her, but now she'll never know because the doctors think she'll never wake up and i—,"

"shh, miracles happen for a reason, and when that time comes, you better think of how you're going to tell her."

"thank you for letting me talk to someone, it really helped but i should get back,"

she nodded checking her pager, "me too, see you around."


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