endlessly [vampire/romance]

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He sat tall and broad, his jawline definite and back straight. So focused on the book in front of him; he hadn’t yet realized that I had been staring at him the whole lesson. Hair dark and eyes piercing into the page, his presence makes me quiver with emotions I can’t quite understand. Tapping his pen on the desk he looks up glancing around the room making sure everyone is in check, that everyone is doing what they’re supposed to. I look down nervously at my pop quiz to avoid any eye contact. The algebraic equations on the page dance before my eyes engraving the foreign combination of letters and numbers in my mind.

None of it makes sense.

My page is empty, every question unanswered, everything blank except the top left corner of the page where my name rests alongside my age:

 Alyssa Ryan, 16.

I look up from my book to find myself studying his every feature again. His dark hair falls over his eyebrow but stops at his ear, it’s a messy/stylish cut that matches his dark framed glasses sitting on his nose slipping down his face; he still didn’t move. I could tell the glasses were fake, yet I'd never once seen him without them. I can’t focus on anything, it’s like the thought of him takes up most of my brain capacity, like he was too big of a subject for me to think of anything else.  I guess you say could say I’m infatuated with him but I wouldn't go as far as to call it obsessed.

He stares at me too.

I know he does. The other day in class I was going through my bag for hand moisturizer only for me to look up and find him staring from his desk, he was talking to another student but his eyes kept glancing back to me. There was a chance it didn’t mean anything but it happened again yesterday. I saw him walking after school through the window whilst I was handing in my history assignment to Mrs. Bell and before I knew it I was staring at him taking big strides in his neat black suit through the parking lott. He was wearing his cocky smirk and the strangest part was just as he got to his slick black car he pulled the door open before turning around and looked right at me.

The fact that he was looking right at me through the third floor window and he just happened to know where I was made me wonder if it was even viable or maybe he had spotted me before I spotted him. With his notorious smile pulling at the corners of his lips he flashed his white teeth before getting in his black slick car. I can’t help but notice these things and the fact that no one else sees this completely bugs me out, just makes me feel like it’s all in my head when it all feels so real.  

I take in a deep breath and close my eyes squeezing them shut  finding myself to counting to 10 drawing a breath each time. Interrupted by the bell, I couldn’t even get to six as the chaos of eager students hurrying out of the classroom filled the air. Giving out an aspirated sigh I lift my head to find his gaze fixated on me, his eyes are bold and black not moving his daggering pupils. I suddenly feel an uncomfortable chill erupting goose bumps along my arm. The sudden realization of how cold the room is came to mind as his perfectly shaped lips begin to move…

endlessly [vampire/romance]Where stories live. Discover now