Chapter 1: Love You Like I Do

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And there's no escape

Just countless mistakes

No one will love you

No one will love you the way I do

No one will love you

Love you like I do

The arguing grew more aggressive behind the crimson door. (song titles will be used a lot) Tears covered my ivory face, hidden behind the dark abyss of my hair. The door opened then closed silently. Beaten up sneakers stood before mine.

"Oh, Marceline." The slim figure knelt down in front of my tiny frame. "Sweetheart, why are you out here?" His emerald eyes gave away all the emotions bottled up the past four years. Anger, love, lust, joy, and sorrow. They were all there, mixed with the gentleness I'd seen a thousand times. Then, there was the single strand of hair. The strand of dark brown, curly hair sticking out from under that black knit beanie.

"Tytär(daughter) ,please, speak to me."

That voice, the sweetest melody to my ears. I looked at him, through the thick curtain of my escape.

His eyes understood, but his face wore the mask of confusion.

"I heard you and äiti (mother) arguing again."

He smiled, and pushed back my hair with a sigh. "Oh darling, let's get you back to bed." Without effort, his arms cradled me. Then, he began to sing,

"Memories, sharp as daggers

Pierce into the flesh of today

Suicide of love took away all that matters

And buried the remains in an unmarked grave in your heart"

Ville Valo, the Solitary ManWhere stories live. Discover now