Chapter 1

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Isis' POV

For years I watch Jim change after his father left his mother and him. I was a daughter of another family friend. I was the only one who understood Jim and why he acts the way he does.

I'm Isis Flint and no I'm not related to Captain Nathaniel Flint. As much as that would be cool I'm human. Plus I'm like only fourteen years old.

"Where the hell is he?" I ask myself as I sit in the Benbow Inn waiting for Jim to get back from who-nows-where.

"Isis you'll be waiting here all day," I hear Mrs. Hawkins say beside me.

"I know, but he promised he wouldn't be out all day," I say looking up at the slender brown hair woman beside me.

"Alright dear, If you need anything ask," she says before leaving to hand out food.

I nodded making my blonde hair slightly bounce on my head. My green eyes found the door waiting to see Jim come through. After a few minutes the door burst open showing two cops and Jim.

"James Pleiades Hawkins!" Mrs. Hawkins yells dropping a tray.

'Oh! Damn Jim! What did you do this time?' I thought standing up watching his mom move towards them.

"We apprehended your son operating a solar vehicle in a restricted area," I hear the police robot say.

"Moving Violation 9-0-4, Section 15, Paragraph... um..." "6?" Jim says helping the other police robot.

"Thank you," the police robot says that got help.

"Don't mention it," JIm says looking away.

"Jim!" Mrs. Hawkins says upset.

"As you are aware, ma'am, this constitutes a violation of his probation," the first police robot says.

"Yes, yes- No, I mean, I understand, but, um, co-couldn't we just-?" Mrs. Hawkins stuttereds.

"Um, pardon me, officers, if I might, uh, interject here? I am the noted astrophysicist Dr. Delbert Doppler. Perhaps you've heard of me? [awkward silence] No? I have a clipping-" Dr. Doppler cuts in making me face palm.

'Not helping Dr. Doppler,' I thought shaking my head.

"Are you the boy's father?" the first police bot asks.

I giggle as I watch Jim's eyes widen. 'God! This is funny!' I thought still gigling.

"Oh! Good heavens, no!," Mrs. Hawkins and Dr. Doppler say together.

"Eww! He's just an old friend of the family," Mrs. Hawkins saysmaking Dr. Doppler look at her.

" BACK OFF, SIR!" both police bots say together.

"Thank you, Delbert. I will take it from here," Mrs. Hawkins says.

"Well, Sarah, if you insist," Dr. Doppler says moving to leave before whispering something to Mrs. Hawkins.

" Due to repeated violations of statute 15-C, we have impounded his vehicle. Any more slip-ups will result in a one-way ticket to Juvenile Hall," the first police bot says.

"Kiddie hoosegow," the second police bot says.

"The slammo," the first police bot says.

"Thank you, officers," Mrs. Hawkins says before looking over at Jim, "It won't happen again."

"We see his type all the time, ma'am," the first police bot says.

I shook my head before looking away. 'Always getting in trouble,' I think before looking back over at Jim.

"Wrong-choicers," the second police bot says.

"Dead-enders," the first police bot says.

"Losers," the second police bot says making Jim glare at them.

My eyes widen before I stepped forward.

"You take care now," the first police bot says as his robot hat moves up and down.

"Let's motor," the second bot says looking at the first before leavng.

The whole Inn fell silent making it very akward. Mrs. Hawkins looks at everyone in the Inn before they went back to what they were doing before.

"Jim, I just don't want to see you throw away your entire future," Mrs. Hawkins says as Jim moved around her.

"Yeah, what future?" I hear Jim say before entering the kitchen.

I look over at Mrs. Hawkins as she sighs in defeat.

"Go after him please," she says before getting back to work.

I nodded and headed in the kitchen after Jim. I open the door to see Jim cleaning the dishes he grabbed.

"Jim-" "Don't Isis," I hear him say to me.

I sigh and moved closer to him.

"Jim don't bite my head off," I say getting pissed at him.

He sighed finishing up. He then headed for the door and held it open.

"Come on," he says looking away from me.

I smiled and headed out of the door with him.

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