Chapter XIII: My Two Ladies

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The sky gives way to stars as we leave the earth's atmosphere. Amanda looks very comfortable sitting in the pilot's seat. She never moves or touches any of the instrument panels – she simply keeps the beam of blue light centered on her forehead.

Space travel in this Everbright craft is quite strange. The stars don't whiz by like in regular sci-fi movies; it's more like one space scene fading into another, then into another, then into another. I suspect we're not moving in a linear fashion like we do on earth.

I move closer and inspect my girlfriend. Her eyes dart to mine, but she still doesn't move her body.

"What –"

She cuts me off again. "I have a mental link with the ship. The computer reads my mind, and takes me where it feels I need to go. I don't have to picture anything or anything else like that. I just relax in this chair, and the computer does the rest."

I nod my head a couple times to fake like I completely understand the concept. "Would it work for me, too?" I ask.

Amanda cocks an eyebrow for a moment. "Maybe. Like I said earlier, they did have to evolve your body to be able to accept star power before-hand. Even though you've been devolved to a point, it might still work for you."

I nod some more. I confess, I've still only got one thing on my mind. She looks so amazing in that alien bodysuit.

She smiles. "I don't have to be able to read minds to see what you're thinking right now. I think the ship knows where we need to go, so..."

The brunette stands and wraps her arms around my neck. Even in the dimly lit cockpit, I can see her pupils expand a little.

My arms find her narrow waist and I pull her into me. Our lips connect and soon we float away together on a river of passion. I have to say, making out with someone that can defy gravity is unlike anything you'll ever experience. Talk about a firm body, too! It's hard to describe, but Amanda feels like she's made of soft stone. Come to think of it... I'm not entirely sure if I'm digging this or not. Maybe she'd feel more normal if she wasn't encased up to her neck in that dang bodysuit. And... what is that smell? Can't she bathe anymore?

What's going to happen if I try to have children with this woman? Would I still have all my soft bits afterwards? She's super hot, but now I'm starting to second guess myself. I mean, just look at me. I'm making out with a brunette goddess and all I can do is talk to the readers.

Unfortunately, in additional to her super high IQ, Amanda also has a super high emotional IQ. She senses something is wrong and leans back a little. "What's wrong? Am I hurting you?"

I shake my head a little, step back from her and lean against one of the consoles. "No, no, not at all. I guess I'm a little more exhausted than I realized."

Her brow knits a little and I'm pretty sure she knows I'm not telling the whole story. "You're thinking about Jennifer again, aren't you?"

I really should have seen that coming. I really should have.

"No, I'm not, actually," I reassure her. "Promise."

Her eyes narrow. I'm hoping she'll let it go, but I don't think I'm that lucky.

A soft beep from the main viewer saves my bacon. I guess I really am that lucky.

Amanda glances over her shoulder. "We're here. I'll make you comfortable in my quarters. You can sleep off whatever it is that's bothering you."

She blinks several times, and the side door slides open again. I follow her down a long hallway. This place seems familiar somehow.

Another door slides open at the end of the long hall. A lavishly decorated apartment of sorts awaits. Everything has obviously been molded out of alien material – but it's got a regal charm to it. The carpet is super soft, a large bed dominates the main room, and bizarre looking alien art adorns the walls. A large half-moon shaped bay window, grabs my attention. As I approach it, I begin to recognize where we are. My blood runs cold.

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