Cruz The Bad Boy..

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"I was --- J-just lucky ok D-drop it..." I said hiding my anger. "No I have my eye on you any wrong move.." Cruz said with venom. Really that kind of scared me which is very rare. There is something wrong with him to I can feel almost power from him?? I don't know I wish I could come here and be me only one more week!!!

Cruz' POV:

I can't understand how she just walked away and blocked my punch.... Shes so powerful but acts like a total wimp. I don't know why I think about it so much but I have to find her. It's almost like there's a whole different person in her?? For some reason I don't ever want to hurt her....What's wrong with me... As I walk around the corner I here something... "I was lucky I --- Messed up----" She said but that's all I could hear through the door. I walked in as quietly as I could but then I spoke. "What are you hiding Cupcake, tell me the truth i'm very dangerous... No one can block my punch!!!" I said starting to get angry for some reason. But my respect for her came out with my voice I have to go now. She had a good cover saying. "I was J-just lucky ok D-drop it...." She was kinda angry?? As she said that I started get a mysterious vibe from here causing me to say. "No I have my eye on you any wrong move..." I said noticing how harsh I was. Wait why am I thinking of others... I never did ever since that day--- Never mind..


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2017 ⏰

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