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. and by so he is above all natural and spiritual beings. angels do all the bidding. And all of the works. angels are sweet to the heart with a rough love. Angels are protective in a difficult way. All space is, is the negative space of evil made by, human begins. The stars are energy and watch over us. The angels command our life sources. your mind is based on patterns and habits. Your mind level one. Known as your self and sub conscious is how your mind regular functions and patrernizes day to day thoughts. Level two is a astro phenomenal dementional understanding conscious put together. Its perception of time, space, patterns, emotion, future, past and psychics. Then the last level the third level, the level of your third mind conscious, which allows you to control an change the future based of other people and your surroundings. Its phycology and goddess ability wrapped around a chamber with the only trigger being your mind body and soul. If your evil then expect evil deeds. Positively flows through like a river. And rivers are life. This third mind conscious is used with pyrokinesis, telekinesis, future seeing, astral projection and other goddess and supper human like ability's. Angels bless us day to day. Angels aren't always tied into religion. Angels construct day to day life. They help us live and learn and guide. They help us find ourselves they give us. No one always 100% agrees with someone's ways of thinking. But I will change my own doings within time, which it self is another process of thinking.
Another in an out to our lives and way of living. I am a angel. My own angel. I am, influenced by other angels but I am my focus and my pro. My source, I am responsive. This is why we live. To enlighten, I am conceted I am fluent and one of this rock. I am one of my mind in three sections. I am simple but complex. I am surreal. I am magic. I am amazing and talent. I am pure and hopeful. I am loving and built, I am the future. I am something unleashed.

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