Chapter 1. Moving in.

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"Lacie! its been so long!" Cameron yelled into my ears as she opend the door.

"Hiii!" I squeled giving her a hug, careful not to drop the two boxes in my arms.

"Oh my gosh come in, Tara and Jesse are waiting." She hauled me in, taking one of the boxes from me.

I had just finished college, so the girls decided I would live with them since we all promised eachother in Highschool we would live together in an apartment in New York.

And to my suprize we actually kept that promise, I was the only one of us that went to College. But, that was just because I wanted a Career as an Actor, So I took up a few Director and Drama classes along with Music production and Buisness studies.

"Lacie! we missed you so much!" Tara said her and Jesse both got up and squished me like a marshmallow between to crackers.

"Guys, guys stop oh my gosh." I giggled.

"Did you get with any Frat boys?" Cameron winked at me

"Oh yeah any boyfriends?" Tara joined in.

I set the box down and sat on the sofa, "I'm not even joking when I say they practically threw themselves at me and-."

"I told you! You're the prettiest one out of everyone I know!" Jesse exclaimed

"AND I did get a boyfriend he was really gorgeous too." I added

"Do you have a picture of him?!" Tara said clapping in excitment as I pulled out my phone.

"Uhm.. here." I said scrolling till I found one.

"Oh my god, he's so fit." She gasped as the girls looked in.

"How long did you both last?!" Cameron asked me

"We lasted all of College to be honest, we broke up yesterday." I sighed.

All the girls looked at me and pouted "Awh.. wheres he live?" Cameron asked

"California." I replied.

"Well atleast its sorta close.. sorta." Tara said handing my phone back.

"Meh." I replied.

"I'm reaaally tiard.. which is my room." I said standing up and getting the boxes.

"You're sharing with Jesse." Cameron smiled,

"First door upstairs." Jesse replied.

"Okay, thanks." I smiled and walked up.

I opend the doors to reveal a large room, with two wardrobes and two beds. The walls were bright blue and the carpet was cream, I stepped over too the tidy bed and sat my boxes on it opening the first one. I opend the wardrobe and grabbed a bunch of hangers placing my clothes on them. I then hung them up and finished unpacking everything else.

While I was putting my underwear away in the press by the window I looked out,  there was another house beside us and I could see right into the other window, It was clearly a boys room. Or else just.. a tomboys room. Then again I doubt she's have posters from Porn magazines hanging on her walls.

I giggled to my self and looked back down to finish putting my underwear away.


It was about 4pm now and I had finally finished unpacking and flopped onto the bed. Just as I did a phone on the desk across the room rang.

I grunted and lazily got up, It was obviously Jesse's phone. I picked it up and looked at the name plate as I walked out.

I wonder who Louis is? I smiled to myself before walking in the sitting room to the girls,

"Jesse 'Louis' is calling." I said handing her phone to her. She sighed and hastily took it off me,

"What?" She rudly answerd.



"I don't give a shit Louis, go find someone else to bang you should have told me about your circle of 'friends' before anything." She scoffed at him.



"What? how did you know?! Louis where the fuck are you?!" She said shockingly then looking out the window.



"No, you'd better keep your distance." She orderd him before hanging up.

"What did he want now?" Cameron said with disgust.

"He asked me to come join him and his dickhead friends at some party thing tonight." She scoffed

"Why did you ask where he was?" Tara added

"He said him and Harry saw "The sex magnet with the boxes" walk in our house." She answerd looking at me. The girls bothing snapping towards me too.

"What?" I said blankly looking at them all.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2014 ⏰

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