Chapter 10

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I woke up to a pounding in my head. As I quickly look around, I realize that I wasn't sure where I was. I sat up on an old, beaten up, blue sofa. I was in what looked like to be someone else's living room.

I strode over to another room, passing sleeping people that had been lying on the ground and on random pieces of furniture. I find Alex asleep on the bed, with his legs and arms hanging off on either side. That's when I remember. The letter, the restaurant, Jason, the song, and then the party. It all had happened so fast.

Once Alex and I had finished our song, Harry, Alex, a few other people, and I went back to Harry's apartment. It was a blast. We had music playing and snacks everywhere. 'I must have passed out.' I think to myself. 'I can't believe my parents let me stay out this late.'

"My parents!" I yell, waking up Alex. "I completely forgot! They got home at 11:00 last night! I was supposed to be home before then!" I panic, explaining it all to Alex. I grab Alex's arm and pull him off the bed.

I run out the door and down the hall towards the elevator. It wasn't going to help that Harry's apartment was on the fifth floor. The elevator was old and slow, and there was no stairs.

"Where are we going?" Alex moans. "I was trying to sleep."

"You have to take me home right now." I tell him, trying to keep quiet as not to disturb the neighbours. Alex is to tired to question me so he just nods his head.

Once we reached the lobby, I pull out my phone. Eight messages from my mom filled the lock screen. Knowing that either choice I make will end the same way, I ignore them.

I hop into the passengers side of Alex's small, red, BMW. I watch him jog around the front of the car and into the drivers side. I started breathing normally again once we began driving. There was no point in panicking, all I could do is wait and see. Maybe it'll be ok.

I don't dare to look up as we pull into the driveway. 'If they're there maybe they won't recognize me.' I thought, knowing very well that was a lie.

Alex taps me on the shoulder. "Nikki. Their not there." I look up to find that there was no cars in the driveway. 'Where could they have gone?' I step out of the car, turning on my phone to check the messages from my mom.

I read them over, sighing with relief. They hadn't come home last night. The messages said how they had decided to stay out much later, and they likely wouldn't be coming home until this afternoon.

"I'm the luckiest girl alive." I tell Alex, showing him the messages.

"You mean that you woke me up for nothing?" He joked, still half asleep. I hug him, chuckling.

"I'll see you tomorrow Alex." I say, walking away from him towards my house. He waves goodbye and gets back into his car.

I step inside the house and immediately notice a strange smell coming from the kitchen. I began to recognize the sent as I grow closer to the kitchen. Once I step into the kitchen, I find out what the smell was. I lift up my foot and look down.

"Damn cat." I moan, hopping on one foot to the sink. I look down to find my cat, Rocket. "Every time I leave the house." I imagine what Rocket would say if he could speak. 'You like the present I left you Nik? I knew you would. I conjured it up all by myself.' It almost seemed like he was grinning at me. I guess this is payback for going out without my parents permission.

After I'm finished cleaning up the little "welcome home" present Rocket left me, I went to go call Megan. I pick up my phone and before I knew what was happening, my phone started to continuously buzz. I open it up cautiously to find my phone had been flooded with message from everyone I knew. I open one of them to read it. It was from Jesse.

"Omg! Just saw the vid of u at the restaurant last night! U were awesome! Tbh Jason totally deserved it! He's such a dick! 😜"

'Someone was taping it?' I check five other messages from different people and they're all about last night. Quickly, I check my Facebook account. About a hundred people are all sending me the same link. Clicking on the link, I find the video of me last night. I watch the video. 'I'm so glad that my mom and her friends don't use social media.' I say in my head gratefully. In the video I'm singing on the stage with Alex, when the camera pans over to Jason, getting dragged out of the restaurant. The caption on the video says, "That's what he gets for messing with this girl!".

I check the comments, and there's three types of comments I see. Ones that are about Jason deserving it, classic hate comments, and ones good I am at singing? No. I am not good at singing. 'Their probably just lying to make me feel better about the Jason thing. Right?'


Author's Note:

This chapter was kind of a filler chapter so you had an idea of what happened to Nikki after the "date" the night before, next chapter will be the first day of school. Let me know how you guys think of the story so far.

Question, what type of people do you have at your school? 

For example, there's one girl at my school - who shall not be named - and she is like the classic mean girl. She has her little squad that follows her around. She's mean to everyone, but still thinks she's their friend (or atleast pretends she does). And I think the only reason she's friends with me is because I get good grades, and I'm friends with one of the cutest guys in school (according to my friends that is, definitely not because I secretly like him or anything ;) , we are definately just really good friends and I wouldn't wish anything more).

Anyways, enough about my life, tell my about yours :)

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