Hurricane (Not Acutally tho, just because Hamilton)

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John was soaking by the time he got home. He cursed himself for assuming he would get to his small apartment before it started raining. He had been out with Mulligan and Lafayette (he really needed more friends), catching up, while Hamilton was finishing up a grant for work. He'd known that it might rain (50% chance), but damn had the weathermen had gotten it wrong. This was a full-fledged storm, thunder, lightning, he had even heard some people talking about power going out around the city in the club. The dim lights by his door flickered as he searched for his keys.

"Fuck it, Alexander's home,"he mumbled while he pounded on the door. "YO BABE I CAN'T FIND MY KEYS,"

No answer.

He tried again, "ALEX OPEN UP," He couldn't hear anything over the rain, maybe it was the same for Alex?

He tried the doorbell, "ALEXANDER, HUN, COME ON," Alex always answered the door when the doorbell rang, no matter what.

He shifted uncomfortably on his feet, his cloths stuck to his back as he shifted through his bag again. Finally finding the keys he fumbled to get the door open, dropping his bag hurriedly in the middle of the hallway once he did.

All the lights where on, but his boyfriend was nowhere to be found

"Alexander!" He slammed open the door to their bedroom to find Alex huddled in the corner, completely covered in blankets so only his head poked out, eyes squeezed tight together. It would've been cute if tears hadn't been streaming down his face.

He should've been angry, he'd thought that Alex was dead for a second there (both he and John have had their moments), but he just couldn't be, not with Alexander looking so helpless and afraid. He hurried over to the blanket fort,

"Alex, Alexander, hey," he still wasn't opening his eyes. John crouched down, gently cupping Alexander's face in his hand.

"Babe," Alex leaned into his touch, slowly opening his bloodshot eyes.

"John," It came out as a whisper, his voice was dry and hoarse.

"Hey, I'm here Alex, what's wrong." Alexander didn't move as John pushed the blankets off him. He was wearing the same tee he slept in and a pair or loose fitting sweatpants.

"Come on love, what happened," That's the moment a loud crash came from outside and all the lights went out. Suddenly Alex was clinging to him, shivering and quietly sobbing. He wrapped his arm around his boyfriend and pulled out his phone with the other, somehow managing to turn on his flashlight. He set his phone down on the ground so he could faintly see the room and looked down at Alexander. He had stopped sobbing, but he was still clinging onto John like his life depended on it.

"Alex, babe, it's ok," John took him by his shoulders, making him look up at him. "It's not that bad, the power will be on in a bit, no need to be afraid,"  He took Alex's hand guiding him to the bed. His boyfriend followed behind him like a lost puppy. It was actually kind of cute, give or take the fact that he was totally freaked out that Alex was acting so weird and paranoid.

Alex curled into him as he gave him a kiss on forehead. "Wanna explain this babe?"

John could barely make out what he was saying, all he got was, "I-I was 14... In the Caribbean... a hurricane," After that Alex just clung onto him and started sobbing again. He and Alex had never really talked about their childhoods, he knew that Alex came from the Caribbean, but that was about it.

"Hey, it's ok, I'm here now. Alexander, I love you, and I won't let anything hurt you," He tightened his grip around his boyfriend until he stopped sobbing, until he could fell asleep, and until he couldn't hear the rain.


Hey guys! Guess who's back! (Me!)

Guess who's going away for 8 days with no wifi (Also me!)

I LOVE reading your comments so PLEASE keep leaving them.
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You guys are so amazing, I hoped you liked this, cute fluff.

Until Next time Adventurers,

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