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❝april kepner, 34, has a concussion and some bruises on her body.❞ the emt spoke.

jackson's clipboard dropped as he ran to take april's case and made their way into trauma room two. doctor webber caught him and immediately walked up to get him off the case.

"doctor avery, let shepherd handle this case, you take care of your patients." he pulled him away from april, and jackson harshly parted away from him, then walked over to his patient.

"alright april can you hear me?" she flashed the light in her eyes, but it seemed like she was in shock, and she sure was. every little memory began to fade away, she couldn't exactly pinpoint the moment before this happened.

"i'm sorry are you talking to me?" her hand made its way to the bruise on her head, then she freaks out realizing it's oozing with fresh red blood.

jackson was in shock. "wait what did she say? april remember me?" he pushed his way through richard and amelia.

"please someone help me!" she exclaimed looking at the doctors. amelia calmed april down and said they were gonna get her a head ct while richard and jackson were gonna wait for them in the lobby.

the emts rolled in with another body, who was also familiar. "matthew taylor, 38, stabbed in the lower abdomen, he's probably internally bleeding."

jackson, anxious that he couldn't help april, decided to help her husband, the one she loved so much. "i got this, trauma room two please."

he rubbed his face, thinking how fast this was happening, how he could lose the love of his life in an instant. "page grey and hunt!" he called out, walking into the room.

"what's happening?" both grey and hunt walk into the room, smacking the fresh free latex gloves onto their skins and ready for action.

"oh my god, is that april's husband?" grey said alarmed.

"yes. april's in the other room with webber and shepherd, turns out she has bruises and-"

"jackson, are you sure you can do this?" owen asks, knowing that deep down, jackson still has feelings for april but he could not say anything, because of how happy she was with matthew.

at some points jackson would just want to get up and confess his love for april, how she was the one who made him understand that loving someone paid a price, how she was his first love.

"okay slowly im gonna take the knife out, then grey you quickly apply pressure."

but jackson knew he couldn't. that would ruin her. they broke it off a long time ago, because they were compatible. that didn't stop him, he still, in every inch of his heart, loved the littlest things that made april kepner who she was.

"book an er, we have to be quick if we want to save his life!" grey jumped onto the cart, still applying pressure to the wound.

a part of jackson didn't want matthew to survive. he could finally have april to himself, but he knew that sounded to obsessive. he also knew that april would be devastated. he didn't want to hurt april, even if it means for him to be hurt.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2017 ⏰

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