Chapter 4

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"Hey," I said, walking up to Ruby, before classes.

"Hi Charlotte," she replied.

"How's your mum?" I asked. Up until recently, I thought that Ruby's father passed away and that's why she lived with just her mum. Now I knew differently. But why didn't she tell me.

"Good,' Ruby replied nervously.

"And if anything happened, you'd tell me, right?" I queried.

"Obviously," she answered uncertainly.

"Ladies," Aidan interrupted our conversation, after walking towards us without us noticing.

"Are you sure you couldn't help me out with that test, Charlotte?" He asked me again.

"Sorry, I can't Aidan. Maybe you could have opened a book, instead of partying all the time," I quipped.

"Your loss," he said. Why would it be my loss? How on earth could this affect me?


At least that test was finally over. I had been stressing over it as I only got half of my usual study time. The teacher was just checking through the tests to gauge people's overall results.

"Thank you class, all of you are free to go except Aidan Wood, Charlotte Newberry and Sam Vardon. The three of you please stay behind," Mr Campbell said. Had I failed a test for the first time? What was happening?

"Mr Wood and Mr Vardon, I'm sorry to tell you this but you both have got unsatisfactory marks to stay on the football team. However, I quite like winning against Cambrook High, so I will let you do a makeup test in two weeks. Feel lucky it is this long to study for it as I am aware Mr Wood you will be away and the tutor the two of you will have is also going to be away for a period of time," Mr Campbell continued.

"Who's our tutor?" Sam asked clearly oblivious as to the fact I was going to be the tutor. Well, Mr Campbell hadn't asked me to do it but it was damn obvious.

"Charlie over here," Aidan commented lazily. Charlie that was a new nickname but I would have to set him straight. People couldn't give me nicknames or they might call me Char and catch on to the fact I was the top Victoria's Secret model, Char-Char.

"Excuse me, my name is not Charlie it is Charlotte," I stated.

"Yes, Charlotte will be your tutor. You can ask for her to meet up with you or just call her," Mr Campbell said. He walked out.

"Okay guys, what spare time do you have?" I asked, taking control.

"I'm busy Friday to Monday and then the next Thursday," Aidan said.

"Yeah, I'm free most of the time too," Sam said.

"Okay, I can do 7 till 10 today, 3 till 4 tomorrow, 3 till 5 Wednesday and Thursday, 3 till 5 the next Wednesday, 4 till 10 Friday and 10 till 3 Saturday," I said. Expressions of shock registered on their faces.

"Wow, you have your days planned out," Sam commented.

"I'm just busy and I know when I'm not busy," I replied.

"So meet me at my house at 7 tonight, 3 on Thursday and 10 on the Saturday you're free," Aidan said, before walking off.

"Okay," I murmured.

"Charlotte, do you want meet at the library at 3 tomorrow, 3 on Wednesday and 3 the next Wednesday, is that ok?" Sam asked, being considerate and asking my opinion, unlike Aidan. He was being completely charming.

"Y-yeah, sure," I stuttered, nervous now my crush was paying me attention.

"Thanks Charlotte," he said smoothly and with that walked out the door. I immediately relaxed and leant against a desk. Whoa, what had I just got myself into?

Hey everyone, hopefully you like this chapter. Any constructive feedback would be welcome.

Question of the Chapter: Sorbet or Ice cream?

My Answer: Although I love Icecream, it'd have to be sorbet.


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