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I've been starring at the plate of food before me for about ten minutes. I just can't cope with all these new changes, of course, I'm gonna escape but that's gonna take some time. I need to gain his trust first, that shouldn't take that long, he seems pretty gullible. Deciding against eating this possibly poisoned food, I get up and start to walk around again. Shadow collects my plate and gives it to one of the maids to clean up. Then he starts to follow me around again. Why does he have to constantly follow me around places it's getting on my nerves.

After a few minutes, I get sick and tired of him following me and turn around."You know I can figure out how to get around on my own.".

"Well you know you may try to escape"He replied calmly. Now that just pissed me off. He doesn't know what I'm planning in my head now, does he! The dumbass looked down and walked back to what I was assuming was his room.  Good, I hate him anyway what's the point of having him around? 

The last door I approached was locked, weird, none of the other doors were locked so why was this one. Of course, all the other rooms were boring and were bedrooms and bathrooms, Maybe its an office, or a mancave. I cant imagine Shadow having a mancave though. Who knows, maybe it's his dad's. No judgment here I've always wanted a man cave, they seem dope. I'm determined to enter this possible mancave so a change of plans, no sleeping tonight, I'm gonna go on a sneaky spiderman mission. I'll leave my room around midnight, everyone should be asleep by then.

I went back to my room, surprised to see that it wasn't a mess anymore. Shadow must've called some of the maids to help clean it. Poor ladies work all day to serve a bunch of douche bags. My closet was full of new clothes and shoes. There was now a tv across from my bed with Netflix hooked up to it.

Shadow came in a few minutes later to wish me goodnight and brought me some hot tea. This boy may have stalked me but yet he still doesn't know that I fuckin hate tea. Rather than being petty and start an argument, I simply bid him goodbye and dumped the tea down the sink. I sunk into my massive bed and turn on Netflix until it was midnight.

I carefully slipped out of bed and got dressed in some clothes Shadow had bought me. Of course, since this is a sneaky spidey mission I have to wear all black. I add the final touches to my look at carefully open my bedroom door and creep out into the halls. The night guards are all around the house so I need to be very careful not to alert them. 

I cracked the door to Shadows room open to see if he was asleep yet, thankfully he was. I closed the door and almost ran into a guard. He didn't seem very pleased with the fact that I was up and walking around. I told him that I was just checking on Shadow after coming back from the bathroom. Even a dumbass could tell that he didn't buy this excuse, he seemed to be tired though so he shook it off and told me to go back to my room. He must've been really tired considering that I'm fully dressed.

I went back into my room to collect my thoughts and plan it out some more. Minutes later, I was out the door again, this time I was determined to find out what was behind that door. I crept down the halls silently and went straight to the locked door, no distractions this time. I picked the lock with my nails and it magically opened. 

Dude this shit is fucking sick! Right, when I walk in I see a Corvette, my dream Corvette to be exact. I found the key to it on a workbench on the time of the garage and started it up. Even over the roar of the engine, I could hear the noise of the door opening and closing beside me. I  cautiously turned to see who it was. I took a wild guess that it was Shadow a turned my head to see the one and only. He didn't look like himself, he looked like a twisted version, more twisted than he usually is.

"You might as well give up trying to escape now, I paid off your family, they have no use for you now. You kinda have to love me." Shadow had a smirk played upon his lips. The shock was evident on my face, my family would never let me go. My family o\loves me, they aren't just using me for money, right? 

"I could never love a monster like you. If you expect me to love you you're the dumbest person alive" I spat, venom dripping from my voice. He looked shocked for a minute, then grabbed something from the bag he was holding.

He looked at me and said, "I'm doing this for your own good" I looked at him confused. I felt a sudden pain in my shoulder. My eyes fell, and everything went spinning in my head.

Then it just went black...

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