An unwanted friend

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  • Dedicated to LIZZZ

I see puck standing in front of the fire looking dazed and confused. The stupid magic bag must of brought him here. " shit " he says " why cant i leave?" Puck sighs frustrated. "I just want to find Sabrina, i was such a tool" " let me go!" he screams at nothing in particuar.  I step out from behind entrance to the cave. " Did you hear all of that" he says looking at me. " pretty much, yer" i reply. 

" i got youre note." he says. I walk straight up to and slap him hard across the face, "you had no right to read that." i yell " you were the one who fricken hit me in the head with it. " he says his cheeks going red with either anger or a blush.


" you have no idea" i says sighing " no idea about what" she says " about how you are ok about making out with my best friend, or about how you are fine with kissing every single girl in the school and not me, it hurts!" " if only you knew, i love you and i was just trying to protect you!" I scream tears running down my face. "Maybe i dont want to be protected, i just want to be free. I'm leaving!" she says with a sigh. She turns a corner and i hear a stifled scream.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2014 ⏰

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