Volume 2

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Chapter 1: The Map of the Future 

Livestock gives them blood.
As once they're cursed by God, the 'vampires' who govern the world underneath are incapable of death.

For the sake of slaking their thirst, they need blood today as well.

"So you see, be quiet, submit, and give me your lifeblood!"

♦ ♦ ♦

From the back alley a shriek can be heard.
"Nooooooo! Stop! Don't touch me!

It's the voice of a young girl.

Yuu-chan who was walking beside, looks toward the direction of the scream.
"What?" he said as he heads to where the voice is.

Mikaela grabbed his arm.
"Wait Yuu-chan."

"What Mika?"

"Where are you going?"

"There was a scream."


Yuu-chan stares at him with a face as if to 'what the hell?'.

Mika answers back,
"...I'm afraid we just can't afford helping someone out..."

They heard the scream again, louder this time.

Yuu-chan begins to run.

"Oh, come on, Yuu-chan!"

In the dark back alley, a twelve or thirteen year old girl was being forcibly pushed down by a pair of boys. Her pants and underwear are being pull down exposing her white skin. Her eyes fills up with tears and dread.

The ones assaulting her were fifth- no sixteen year old boys, a naughty smile graced their faces.

On the grounds ruled by the vampires, humans attacks humans.

One of the boys said while beating her head,
"You stupid girl, shut up! I said stop crying! Be quiet, it'll be over soon."

The other continues,
"Even though you screamed, no one's coming to save you. We're sixteen. We're the oldest among the ones who survived the virus. You damn group of brats can't take us on."

And yet the girl wouldn't stop yelling.
"Help me!"
"Don't do this!"

Then she shouts out someone's name. It was probably her friend's name. But nobody was coming. No one would come at all. It was as the boys had foretold; No one would be foolish enough to take on the sixteen year old boys in this world.

Because of what happened four years ago.
Everyone who was thirteen and older died from a virus and so those who were twelve back then are now sixteen.

Now within this world there was no humans stronger than those who are of age sixteen.

As the girl keeps on screaming, the boy swung hard at her face.

Then the screams halts.
Blood was seeping from her mouth as it drip to the ground.

"You idiot, you smash her face. You were suppose to go easy."

"Oh oops, sorry."

The boys laugh mockingly.
Her face seized up with despair. She wouldn't shout anymore. She gave up. No one was going to save her.

The world fell to the virus and shortly after the children became vampire livestock. There was no help.

One of the boys grip onto the girl's leg.

Mika mutters as he watches,
"...Yuu-chan. Let's go. We should go..."

But then,
A voice breaks out.
It was Yuu-chan's.

The Story of Vampire Michaela by Kagami Takaya~Where stories live. Discover now