Chapter Four

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Harry's P.O.V.

I whimpered as Louis walked away, cuddling into Liam's side. I was surprised when jealousy started brewing inside of me. My jealousy was quickly shot down when I remembered that I had hurt Louis. I knew he had a broken arm, yet, I still grabbed onto it. I mentally kicked myself. I was such an idiot, why did I do that? why? Now he'll think I'm some heartless jerk who doesn't care about other people. I felt panic swell inside of me, what if he didn't feel the same way. my breathing started becoming shallower as it became harder and harder to breathe. It felt as if everyone in the room had turned to me and was staring, I suddenly felt as if I was going to puke. I knew this feeling all to well, I was having a panic attack. I needed to get out of there. I whimpered and stood up shakily, I looked around me for an opening in the crowd, but didn't find any. it seemed as if the air thinned even more, and that someone had there hands around my neck. I jumped about ten feet in the air as I felt someone touch my shoulder. I turned around quickly and saw bright blue eyes looking at me concerned. Niall. His eyes widened in realization.

"Help." I whimpered.

He nodded and grabbed my hand, dragging me behind him. I felt everybody's eyes on us, which only made everything worse. I started to hyperventilate, and shake. I felt as if someone jacked the temperature up to about 100 degrees, in a matter of seconds I was drenched in sweat.

"Haz, pay attention to me. Focus on me and only me." Niall said over his shoulder, as he fought to get through te crowd to get toward the door.

I tried to tune everyone but Niall out, but I was failing. My eyes locked onto a door someways ahead and I instantly felt relieved. Niall seemed to have seen it as well for he was aiming toward the door, I continued to let him drag me, too afraid id pass out if I let go of his hand. About ten more seconds and we were out the door. I felt the cold air nip at my face, and arms, instantly, relief washed over me. I slid down the wall of the arena and pulled my knees to my chest.

"Haz?" I looked up from the ground and saw Niall crouching in .front of me. "what happened in there, you haven't had one that bad in awhile. What caused it?" I stiffened slightly as he referred to my panic attack.

"Just some guy." I mumbled, feeling sadness wash over me as Louis popped into my mind.

"What guy? what'd he do?" Niall growled slightly, it wasn't often he get angry, but the times he did it was when he was protecting someone he cared about.

"He didn't do anything. I... I really like him Ni.. But I hurt him." I said as tears started falling and Niall just sat there, mouth agape.

"What about Cory?" he whispered.

Cory. how could I forget about my own boyfriend. Especially when our two year anniversary was this week. Shit. are two year anniversary is this week.

"I.. I don't know. all I know is that I'm a heartless jerk, who cares nothing about the people he supposedly cares about." I spat, heart broken.

Niall just sat there, once again, in shock. Never once had I snapped at him, no matter how angry I was at him. Ever since he moved here we had been close to inseparable. we barely fought, and when we did, it was about where to eat. I really couldn't ask for a better friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2014 ⏰

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