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Life is just a joke. Not something to take seriously. Just something you have to live through and you have to make choices. Some of those choices are hard and unreasonable and you just can't bear to make a decision so you wind up leaving the earth before your time has come. Long story short. Life isn't fair and never will be. Which leads to the fact that...Nothing is what it seems.

No light. No sound. Nothing. Just the darkness of night with no moon and no stars. Most people would be terrified to be out in the middle of the woods at night alone with no weapons or provisions. Not me though. No I live for the darkness and being alone. It's when the forest...comes alive and the animals come out to play...and other things that I talk to speak. These intites love to play games especially when it's with people that can't see them or anything but they love and enjoy it even more when it's with someone or a group of people that can see them because when you can see them and physically interact with them then that means you are on the edge of life even though you think you are healthy.

You want to know why I still interact with these "spirtis"'s because I had no idea what was happening till...I did die but thought I was still alive. That is the little game they like the play and they call it Not What it Seems

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