1; The end of the world

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   " I don't pay attention to the
     world ending. it has ended for
     me many times and began
     in the morning." -

    I rested my head on my hand as my mother pulled into the driveway of our new house. My younger brother Charlie jumped out of his seat eager to claim his room before the car had even came to a complete stop. I rolled my eyes as I opened the car door. Charlie knew I was getting the best room regardless of who claimed it first. Before I could hop out of my seat my mother grabbed my hand.

  "Kat, I know this wasn't what you wanted , but please try and make the best of it" My mother said with a sad smile. "Sure" was all I could muster up.  I got out the car and started to make my way to the house.

I ventured upstairs to find my brother. I opened the door to the second room adjacent to the stair landing. Sitting on the floor playing his ps4 that be received last Christmas, was my little brother Charlie. "What do you think you're doing?" I asked dropping my duffle bag down onto the floor. He didn't reply, because he knew I knew exactly what he was doing. "Oh c'mon seriously don't even think about it!" I yelled at him as the grin on his face grew bigger.

  "Sorry sis already done, no turning back now" Charlie laughed. "You little son of a...!" before I could finish I was already lunging forward for his throat. I wasn't gonna kill him or anything, just rough him up a bit. My hand landed upside his head and with that he yelled out her name universally known around the world as mom. I was still on top of my brother when my mother came to his "rescue", she pulled me off of him and squatted down to make sure he was ok.

  "Great thanks Mother for totally defending me, god he always does this, and what do you do? You come to his aid and cover him in kisses and then you punish me," I yelled while picking up my things."Have the fricken room Charles , I don't care anymore" with that in mind I stormed off to the ineludible tiny room right across the hall.

  Later that night after most of my boxed had made it up to my room as well as my twin sized bed and dresser I flopped down to the floor to get one second of rest. Knock! I jumped at the loud bang on my door, but before I could get up and open it to see what ,whoever it was ,wanted my mother spoke. "Katherine I ordered a pizza do you want any?" I gave no reply hoping she would give up of all together. "Well I'll leave you some slices on the counter In case you get hungry alright" she said wearily. I could imagine her brown hair falling  in her face in this very moment as she walked away tired and  stressed.

My life got it's way in making me feel like the end of the world had come, but I woke up the next morning to my dismay. Without any warning Charlie bust into my room. "Mom says get up and get dressed" I turned over and looked at the clock on my bed side table. 7:25. "Tell her I'm not going to school" My words came out muffled as I dug my face further into the pillow. I sat in my bed for a good 2 minutes before I rolled myself out of bed.

   After I got dressed I walked down stairs to get something to eat. "Oh there she is" My mother exclaimed smiling. She was talking to a short statured , red headed girl who was standing In our kitchen. My face,without warning, crinkled up. "Yeah umm who is this?" I asked. "This is Lydia, I went to school with her mother and she offered to take you to school today," My mother was hardly fazed by the clear expression of disgust on my face. She continued on,"I'm taking Charlie to school okay so lock when you're done here and have a great day." With that she picked up Charlie's book bag as well as her own purse and began to push my younger brother out the door.

"Well we should get going, I would hate for you to be late on your first day" Lydia said smiling. "Yeah the feeling is mutual" I said sarcastically, something I think she picked up rather quickly. We got into her Toyota and began our journey to school. "So did you enjoy being a freshman at your last school?" Lydia asked trying to make small talk in the midst of the awkward silence. I gave no reply. "I'm guessing that's a no then"she said shaking her head.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2016 ⏰

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