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Disclaimer: I do not own Sword Art Online, nor its characters, nor do I own the art work.

A/N: This makes sense on its own, but if you really want to understand the whole story, please check out The Secret of SAO.


Kazuto and Asuna had their whole house to decorate for the Christmas party, they were hosting. They wanted to make it very special, for everyone that had experienced great loss. Thanks to their Augmas, they were able to enjoy this christmas with Yui.

Yui enjoyed helping decorate the Augmented tree. No matter how Yui helped, Kazuto and Asuna still had to do everything IRL. Yui didn't seem to mind, because she was having fun, anyway.

Klein helped Kazuto put up the lights, inside and outside, of the house.

Everything was being set out on the tables. That included the alcohol and christmas chocolates.

Asuna slaved away in the kitchen, preparing the Christmas dinner. She was going to make this Christmas dinner the best, they had ever tasted.

Asada, Rika and Keiko showed up, to help out, too.

Kazuto was tense and that did not go unnoticed by Asuna.

"What's the matter? Is it Percy?" As if she didn't know.

Kazuto sighed. "I still can't see what Sugu sees in him."

"Is this still because he is six years older. It isn't that big of a deal."

"Sugu is still in school and he is a travel agent. I'm worried about Sugu. I bet he's a player. I won't let him hurt Sugu."

Rika smirked, as she walked past him, in the kitchen. "Look at the big brother, being all protective of his little sister." She mocked playfully.

"Rika's right. Don't you think, you might just be feeling a bit overprotective?" Asuna added.

"No Way! It's more than that! This guy is trouble!" Kazuto defended.

"It wouldn't kill you to play nice, just for tonight? It is Yui's first Christmas. I want it to be special. You can go back to hating on him, tomorrow. Deal?" Asuna pointed her spoon at Kazuto.

"I guess. But this changes nothing." Kazuto sighed again.

"Can you put these plates out and the special silverware?" Asuna requested.

Kazuto grabbed the stack of plates and made himself useful, by setting the table.

Rika turned to Asuna. "Brothers. They just don't know when to stay out of it."

"I don't think it's like that. Kazuto just wants what's best for Suguha. Ever since Midori passed, Kazuto is even more protective of her. I don't blame him either."


Varina came in after having a snowball fight with Yui. She turned to Klein, watching him drink a 'big boy drink'. She decided to challenge him for pure sport. "I bet I can down a lot more of those, than you can!"

Klein grabbed two and gave her one. "You're on!"

They both guzzled a few.


Griselda entered the kitchen. She placed a bottle of champagne on the counter. "I brought this for you. It's virtual, but I hope you will still enjoy it."

"Thank you!" Asuna gave Griselda a hug, before getting back to cooking.

"You are coming along nicely. How far along are you, now?"

Secret of SAO Christmas SpecialWhere stories live. Discover now