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Rebecca's POV:

I sat in the back of our mini van, too many bags cramped into the trunk I could feel the handles of some of them hitting me in the back of my head each time my dad stepped on the breaks at a stoplight.

My older brother Matthew was sitting beside me, the moment we had left the condo he pressed on the topic about me and guys. Don't even get me started, I've had three boyfriends, and all of them we're shit. My brother got pretty protective over me, I love him dearly, but he could get clingy at times.

"Matthew, can you shut up! God I get it, stay away from guys!!! I don't need you to convince me to do that!"

I couldn't hear his response, only see his lips moving and a frown on his face; I was listening to my all-time favorite song from my all-time favorite band: Heartbreaker Girl from Five Seconds of Summer.

We were on our way to my new apartment, It was my second year at Columbia University of New York and dad decided to let me out of the house. My parents made a deal with me that they'd pay part of it and I'd manage the rest with my partial scholarship and all. I didn't get the big deal, seriously, it only took like, an hour or so to get back to my parents place and I nearly knew the place like the back of my hand. My brother's college wasn't too far from here either, so yeah. What's the worry?

I could barely hear my mom's voice over my music, glancing up, I could see her trying to say something, so I reluctantly took out one of my earplugs. "What?"

"I was just asking how'd the job interview go, did you get it?"

"Oh yeah, went good. I got it," I said, throwing a small smile at her just to satisfy her before submerging myself again in Ashton Irwin's voice. My thoughts eventually found their way to my new job, I was actually pretty excited. I got a job at this place called Adorama, a camera shop. I love cameras so much, I've been using them since I was little, it was the first birthday wish I made. I didn't really start handling them properly and studying them until seventh grade when I took this extra-credits class on photography and filming. I was hooked.

Cool part about the whole job, it pays pretty well and the shop itself is well-known and I'll be learning a ton on the side. I'm not so sure whether or not it's going to be my career, it's more of like a... on the side thing I'd say. Last year, I was stuck working at a small cafe near our condo, nothing interesting happened there.

Before I got myself to worrying on what to do on the first day at Adorama, our car halted to a stop in front of a tall beige building, I opened the window, a blast of chilly morning air hitting my face as I looked up. A one bedroom for $500 a month, just a few minutes walk away from the university. I'd pay only $100 because my parents decided to let me easy since I had a good first year.

I smiled to myself before hopping out of the car, I wore a casual forest green skater dress that stopped about mid-thigh with a black sweater thrown on my shoulders and my favorite pair of low black Converse. Who said I couldn't wear sneakers with my dress? Oh, Sneakers, that brings a whole new topic...

I walk to the back of our van, tugging at the handle a couple of times before pulling it open. After removing my earplugs, shoving them into the pockets of my knit sweater, a loud and obnoxious yapping started ringing in my ears.

"Sneakers! Shush!!!" I command as I grab the crate out of the trunk and try to place it on the cement sidewalk gently. Sneakers was my 'going-to-college' present, a Goldendoodle baby boy, my baby boy. I loved him to death and he loved me even more, but at times I just wish he had a mute button.

My parents and brother were soon at my side unloading all my crap, let's hope the elevator in that building is big enough...

After several trips up and down the building to and from the car and goodbyes that were nearly pointless, I was finally sitting cross-legged on my bed while Sneakers hyperactively started running around the place, barking and yapping at me. I was too tired to shut him up.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2014 ⏰

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