Same old shhh but a different day

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I walk inside the House to just find Kendall and Harry all smoshed up together in the couch "Ugh" i roll my eyes and just make my way directly to the kitchen to greet my mom "Hi momma" i walk up to her and attack her in a huge hug, yeah me and my mom are pretty close actually i love her way to much "Hey Honey, how was school?" "Same old shhh but a different day" i walk up to the fridge and grab a bottle of watter "School isnt that bad hun" "Yes mom is that bad" I turn back around to face her and take a sip of my watter before replying "Kylie seems to enjoy it, dont exagerate Kaitlyn" "Im not kylie mom, i have different opinions" She nods in agreement and i just turn my heels towards the living room

"Hey there" Kendall turns her head towards my way and smirks "Bye" i reply back coldly and continue my way back to my room "Kaitlyn!" She shouts my name but i just keep walking forward, i dont have time for her annoying little insults right now "Hello im calling you, are you dumb?" "Fuck off Kendall" "Stop being a bitch and come over here" I stop and turn around towards Kendall "What?" i ask back coldly and cross my arms "Me and Harry are going out tonight so i need you to stay here tonight and do some errands" "And by you, you mean Kendall right?" I ask her obviously knowing what she ment but this errands where for her not for me to cover for her lazzy ass "Seriously though stop acting like a bitch you know what i mean" "Excuse me?" i ask at her rude remark, shes always like this but she just needs to be more respectful towards me "Hello" She stands up infront of me and waves her hand infront of my face as if in i was dumb "You act like this and then you just expect me to do your errands, Fuck off seriosuly" Harry just sits there watching tv the entire time like wtf he doesnt even mind this conversation "You need to do th-" she gets cut off by Harry finally speaking up "Babe just drop it we can go some other time" "What the fuck Harry, are you taking her side?" "No im just saying, its not her responsibility to do your job, just stop bothering her we can go some other time" Kendall gives Harry a death glare and I look up at Kendall and smirk "Ooops" i cover my mouth and walk up to my room

I plop myself on my bed and turn on my Tv and logg in on Netflix. I go through a bunch of movies until finally stopping on a show "Guess i'll watch this" i whisper to myself and start the show. I lay back on my bed and just think about just happen down there, Harry kindda stood up for me, he never does that like why would he even. I turn on my phone and just go through twitter, im really bored right now that im willing to do those errands but just because its Kendall then NO! I get interrupted by someone knocking on my door "Go away" I yell back at the person that was knoking wich im pretty sure is kendall and continue to use my phone. before i even noticed the person had managed to open my door and stand at the door frame "What the fuck?" i ask a bit annoyed and look up from my phone screen to face him it was Harry "Oh great" I mumble and stare back down at my phone "What do you want Harry" "Kendall wanted me to let you know that me and her are going out so its just gonna be you and Kylie for alittle bit" "And you're telling me this because..." I ask waiting for him to finish the sentence "Im just letting you know, calm down" "She never tells me when she leaving anyways" i keep all my gaze to my phone not making any eye contact with Harry whatsoever "Whatever im going back downstairs" he turns around and starts to walk downstairs before i quickly stop him "wait" He turns back around and faces me "What was that about?" "What was what?" He asks a bit confused while he touches the things on my nightstand "Dont touch that" I smack hes hand off and cross my arms "Anyways what was that downstairs? why did you stand up for me?" "Why do care?" "Cause its bothering me" "It was nothing Kaitlyn" "Just for get it! Get out of my room" i demand while i gesture him with my hands to leave. He leaves my room and closses the door. I plop back in my bed and continue to use my phone. Wow my life is so interesting like this is literally what i do everyday, fun right? Please note the sarcasm on that. I stand up from my bed and walk over to my bathroom "KAITLYYYNN" I get interrupted by someone calling my name

A/N: Ok guys so im gonna leave it here cause i really need to go to sleep but i felt like updating something real quick so here you have it, its kindda rubbish i know but i will improve on my next chapter... Thanks so much for reading i love you!




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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2014 ⏰

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