Chapter 1 - Snowstorm

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A / N First Chapter Is A Run Down On Whats Happened So Far In Snowstorm's Life. () = Author notes.  

Snowstorm never wish for a mate because she was always moving from Clan to Clan never finding her belonging within said Clan. Tho stayed due to the Clan needing her.

Snowstorm is a Gray & White tabby female cat, who at times would be very quite but very sweet even tho she was a skilled fighter. She No longer fights anymore due to her always feeling guilty of taking a life, she has had enough blood on her paws for a life time, tho she has kill many cats (and by kill I mean grave stone them) even tho she had just been protecting herself from the large gang of cats that would try to fight her so she had seen no issue with killing them.

But Thunder Clan Leaders did not like how she handle herself in battle and so they banished her from the Clan. So Snowstorm had went to River Clan who with kind hearts took her in as their Medic cat simply to their Views on Female Worriers. Snowstorm's brother was once apart of the River Clan before he Passed on due to a monster. but unlike her brother who met his match on the Thunder Path Snowstorm had Master the art of safe passage across the Thunder Path. Tho how she had hated the River Clans Views of Females being fighters, she had stayed to study Medicine to use in the future when the timing was right. After couple Months Snowstorm left the River Clan.

So Snowstorm went off into the land as a rouge for a year alone until one day she walked into a fight between Shadow Clan and Thunder Clan, Due to Thunder clan Banishing her, (she was still every upset seeing as her father was a Thunder clan member before he past on to the stars) she had decided to join the fight but choosing the side of Shadow Clan, Defeating and killing some of the Thunder Clan Cats, The Shadow Clan Warriors started to head back to their camp tho the Shadow Clan Leader stopped turning to Snowstorm bow his head in thanks to her for stepping in and helping the Shadow Clan then Said "she had remind him of a snow white cat that had past to the stars a few years ago" and for him to go on to say "you and her look so much alike, she was our best warrior no cat past our borders when she was on patrol.. her name was Snowshadow." he had smile fondly speaking of this cat before continue to speak "if I remember correctly she had three kits, sadly her mate past before he could meet them he was a member of Thunder Clan."

Snowstrom had wanted to ask of the kits name but thought against it only for the Shadow Clan Leader to speak once more "i believe her kits names where Wingshadow, Mousewind and Snowstorm.. Yes. those where the name of her kits I know that Wingshadow has past to the stars and Mousewind lives in Wind Clan but I never knew what happened to her last kit" he had looked sadden by not knowing, he continue regardless "before Snowshadow passed she told me she had left the each of her kits with one of the other Clans, tho she never said witch ones went where, but all i can say is i hope her last kit is safe wherever it had ended up."

Snowstorm had looked up at him with sheer happiness in her eyes for she was the last kit of Snowshadow and Wingstorm, But she was infact not safe at all without a clan she had no protection from other clans but would she be so bold to ask the Shadow Clan Leader to join his Clan & join the ranks like her mother once had many many years ago.  As the Shadow Clan Leader was about to leave Snowstorm calls out to which stops him in his tracks " WAIT! you said the name of the last kit was Snowstorm right!" she stared him down not losing eye contact once as he had turned back to look at her "why yes I did.. but why do you ask.."  Snowstorm stood tall speaking in a strong voice "because I am Snowstorm the reminding kit of Snowshadow and Wingstorm and I would be honoured to become a member of Shadow Clan like my mother and fight alongside the Cats of Shadow clan!"

(what happens next will she be a member or will she be turn away find out next time)

Warrior Cats Untold Tale: Snowstorm (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now